Appreciation Note❤️

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This is so random but ily all so much c:

It's been like 7 months since this story has been completed and I just need to appreciate every one of you who has read this horrible story :')

Honestly I love reading your comments so much, it's so random lmao😂.  I didn't even expect to get this much views, likes, and comments on this horrible story xD

I tried to read my story but like I was cringing soooooooooooooo hard and seriously thought to myself, 'Did I really write this?!'

And I didn't even get passed the first chapter ._. Like how the heck did you guys manage to read through all of that cringy and confusing stuff xD

I was reading the comments on the first chapter and I just wanted to apologize if I had offended anyone who was reading this story.  I'm sorry for offending the Muslims.  I didn't know that you couldn't eat pork, please forgive this uneducated girl lol

Also I'm sorry for not writing an epilogue or starting a second book xD because this author is just so lazy.  But I have other books if you guys wanted to read them lol.  Make sure to check it out c:

You guys are so awesome :')

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