Part 14

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Could a shirt really have that much affect on me? No. But the man who bought me the shirt? Yes... Of course he could.

I opened my eyes, bringing me back to reality. Where there were no special clouds for me. But that doesn't mean I can't smile, so that's what I did. I smiled. A sudden burst of happiness I think. I'm not sure why I was so happy, but I'm glad I was. I sit on the bed crossing my legs. My feet aren't to far away from me anymore. I grabbed my foot, why? I really don't know, but I did. I just looked at my foot. I could see all the small lines that were in the bottom of it. When I got close I could see finger prints on my toes, toe prints. I smiled wondering how many people have done this before. How many people just sit on a bed and stare at their foot? All I know is that I'm one of them. I wonder if Mark has ever done this. I wonder how many things Mark and I have both done. Well we both breath. I laugh. Something is just so joyful about this moment. This just feels like a magical shirt. I hope that's what it is, then I can wear it when ever depression creeps up on me. Now that would be magical.


I took a bite of spaghetti watching Mark do the same. Outside I could see the sun going down, but it wasn't sunset yet. I loved the sunset, the colours in the sky, the beauty of the sun. I still wore my 'magical' shirt and, as I hoped, I was still happy.

"So Y/n." Mark said.

"Yes?" I wiped my mouth with my hand.

"I'd like to know more about you." Mark smiled. "You know, since you'll be living here for a bit."

"Like what?" I asked.

"I donno, like, um, what do you like doing?" Mark looked at me.

"Well, I like drawing." I thought, what else do I like?

"What do you draw?" He asked.

"Sometimes places, sometimes people. Actually mostly people." I smiled and took another bite of spaghetti.

"With what?"

"Depends on what I have." I said still chewing some food.

"If you could have anything, what would you use?" He asked.

"I guess just pencil and paper." (Sorry if this doesn't apply to you, sorry)

"Okay." He took another bite, and now it was quiet. Maybe he'd like if I'd ask a question.

"Mark I have a question for you." I finished my spaghetti.

"Ask away."

"Okay, feel free not to answer, what is your job?" I asked, I hope he doesn't mind.

"Well..." He thought. "Do you know what YouTube is?"

"Yes. A little." I did know YouTube, I've been on it but not for a while. It was some website with videos on it.

"Well I'm a youtuber. Do you know what that is?" He asked kindly as if this wasn't annoying to tell me. I shook my head no. "Well it's a person who gets paid to make videos on YouTube." My eyes opened wide. You can get paid for that?

"Really?" I ask.

"Yeah, I make YouTube videos everyday. Then post two a day."

"On what?" I wonder out loud.

"I make gaming videos. You know what those are?" I did, a person just playing a game and saying stuff while doing so. I nodded.

"Sounds like an interesting job." I smile.

For at least another hour we were asking each other questions, learning more about the other. I enjoyed that time. I wished it could've lasted forever, but I didn't tell him that. Around the end he decided to wash the dishes, but I couldn't let him do that. He did everything for me, I can do this. As I washed the dishes he dried and put away even after telling him I could. After we finished that he said we could watch a movie if I wanted to, and I did. As long as he was there too. We walked to the living room.

"What do you want to watch?" He asked me.

"You choose." I didn't want him to be bored because of a movie I picked.

"Any genre suggestions?" He asks. I could go for comedy right now, but what if he doesn't want that?

"Nope, all up to you."

"Okay." He turned on the tv as I sat on the couch.

Mark's P.O.V.

As we were watching Anchorman I turned my head to glance at Y/n. She smiled as they made a joke and I smiled at her. Her smile was beautiful, I wish I saw it more often. I did notice her smiling a lot once she got home, I wonder why. I looked at her e/c eyes and noticed her eyelids hung a little lower. She looked a little tired. I turned my attention back to the movie, so she won't realize I was looking at her. When she does, it seems to make her upset.


As the movie ended I got up and stretched before turning to Y/n, asleep. How did I not notice her sleeping before? She looked cute, now the question is. Take her to bed, leave her here? Will she be annoyed if I pick her up? Only one way to find out. I moved myself closer to her. She was definitely asleep and I was definitely bringing her to her bed. I picked her up carefully, trying not to wake her. My arms behind her knees and back, I think it was called bridle style. Not that it mattered. As I adjusted my arms around her to make it more comfortable she buried her head in my chest. It reminded me of earlier today in the store. I smiled and walked down the hallway to her room.

I walked into her room and tried to move her blanket down with my foot so she could be under it instead of over it. After a few tries and almost falling down twice, I moved the blanket out of the way completely then set her down. I placed her on the bed and pulled her covers over her then started to stand back up but saw her hand reach for me. Then she moved her finger showing me to get closer to her head. I kneeled down as I put my face by her's.

"Thanks Mark." She whispered and kissed my cheek.


Sorry I had to end this chapter there but, you know the drill. Vote if you liked it and don't if you didn't. Simple enough!

BUH BYE!!! Lol (lots of love)


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