Part 16

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"You know where the cereal is if you want some." YOU MOTHER FUCKING CHICKEN!!!

Mark's P.O.V.

You had the perfect opportunity you idiot! She would've said yes, you would've been happier, and you could've kissed her again! It would've been a win win situation. But nooooo, you had to be the biggest chicken on the planet. Oh my god Mark, what's wrong with you? I couldn't stop screaming at myself internally, I really should've just maned up and asked her out. But she smiled when I told her where the breakfast was, maybe she didn't think I was going to ask her out. Right? Maybe I should just take my time getting to know her better, I mean I only met her like two days ago. That's it, I'll just spend more time with her, get to know her, let her get to know me, then I'll ask her out! Great idea. But can I wait that long? Come on Mark you're thinking with the wrong head. Y/n walked back into the rum (force of habit) bowl in hand. She sat across from me and started eating. Great perfect time to talk! But wait, when will be the next? I have videos to upload, things to record... Hmm...

Y/n's P.O.V.

Why the hell did you get your hopes up? I yelled at myself as I reached for a box of lucky charms (something else if you don't like them). Did you really think Mark would ask you out? Kinda, I guess that proves how much of an idiot I am. I poured the cereal into a bowl. You think he'd really want to date you? Of course he wouldn't, he was probably lying about the kiss too. I opened the refrigerator and grabbed the milk. I don't know about you but I know that Mark hates your guts. You shouldn't be floating around on day dreams, you should be searching for a job and getting out of Mark's house as soon as possible. I know he would appreciate it. I walked out of the kitchen and joined Mark at the table, he would soon be finished with his cereal and will leave to do his job, at that point I will wander the house not knowing what to do. But at least he won't be annoyed by my presence. I looked down as I started eating.


After lunch Mark told me that he was done recording for the day and that he could edit later, then he asked if I wanted to do something.

"Well, I was thinking about how I can get a job." I looked up at him from the couch.

"Do you want to do that on the computer? That might be a bit faster." He smiled as he sat down next to me.

"If it doesn't bother you." I looked at him as I spoke.

"No bother at all, again I can edit later." He stood up grabbing my hand to pull me up with him. Did he want to edit later though? Because this seems like I'm bothering him, and I don't want to do that after everything he's done for me.

We reached his room and he brought me to his computers. There were a couple, along with the spiny chair and the padding on the walls. I really hope I don't break anything, I'd want to die if I did. Not like I don't now.

"Okay! What do you want to apply for?" He asked standing next to me. He let me sit in the chair, it was comfortable.

"Everything." I replied still looking at the computers.

"Everything?" He questioned.

"The more jobs I apply for the higher the chance I'll have a job." I positioned my hands on the keyboard, then looked to my right where Mark was. "I just wish I had access to a computer before I met you, that way I wouldn't be dying when I did." I looked back at the computer and started typing in the search bar.

"Okay then, looks like my work here is done. So I'll leave you to your business m'lady." He bowed as he started backing away.

"Thank you kind sir." I replied bowing back at him. As he left the room I started searching for job offers.


I laid back in the spiny chair and sighed. I gave my resume to at least eight different jobs. I dare all of them to turn me down. Stop being so cocky your going to jinx it. I wheeled back in the chair and got out, heading to Mark's bedroom door. But paused before opening it, Mark won't know when I'll be done, maybe I could just have some free time in here. No, don't do it! That's just a stupid idea that'll get you caught. Doing what? You're going to break something I just know it! Don't you dare stay in here. This is Mark's personal property and he doesn't want you lurking around. Probably not but what's the harm if he doesn't know? He shouldn't care, right? Still, this is just a dumb idea in general, what if he comes in? And sees me doing what? I'm not planing to snoop, just to stay in here. He'll see that you're not on the computer and suspect the worse, then he'll kick you out because he already didn't care about you and this'll be double kill. Good point, but...

Against all of my instincts, all of the voices that told me no, I stayed in Mark's room.


Another chapter, these are starting to make me tired, or is that just because of the time? *sees clock reads 4:50am* probably the time, I'm not that great at sleeping anyway. On so guys this weekend is my dads birthday and so updates might be a little slower, but I'll try my best!!! Vote if you liked it and don't if you didn't. Simple enough!

BUH BYE!!! Lol (lots of love)


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