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Anyone and Everyone
(All ages)

Okay yeah so I'm just gonna do Frisk as a boy X girl reader.

I'm sure most of you know this:
(Y/N)= Your name
(E/C)= Eye Color
(H/C)= Hair color
(H/T)= Hair type, length ect.
(N/N)= Nickname
(F/C)= Favorite color (A/N don't kill me)
(S/F/C)= Second favorite color
(F/A)= Favorite animal


So yeah. I'm a nine year old who's probably too mature for their age. I am almost 10 though! I like video games. I like food. I like this boy. Here let me explain, I go to the forest in front of Mt. Ebott everyday. Everyday I find my friend there. My friends name is Frisk. And I like them but I don't know if they like me because they are the silent type. Here's my story from the beginning...

2nd POV

You are nine and are about to turn ten. You were having a party at school for Special Slide Day or something but no one really cared. Yeah sorry slides. Forever in our hearts.

One day you decided to leave home because you can.

You packed your stuff and went to a forest in front of a mountain by the name of Mt. Ebott. But it was dark in there so you went back home.

Your parents were worried sick about you so you told them that you would stay home but just leave every so often. They settled on that.

You went to sleep and woke up the next morning because that's what you do when your asleep. You opened your tired, crusty
(E/C) eyes and put on your (F/C) sweater with a (S/F/C) (F/A) on it.
Unless you don't have a second favorite color....well...just use a darker/lighter shade of your favorite color. (A/N work with me)

You went downstairs and saw your annoying 2 year old brother/sister awake getting cereal. They spilled the milk all over the counter. Then they started crying.
"Awe it's okay! Don't cry over spilled milk!" You horribly punned.

Then you wink with your arms out looking away from your sibling and at at the room in front of the kitchen.

(A/N like dat

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(A/N like dat. Dats how you did it)

Your sibling looks at you oddly wondering what you were looking at but just shrugged it off because your weird. But hey, they stopped crying.

You started packing. You packed a few unhealthy snacks, your extra clothes, a fake phone that could only call barbie, and a sketch pad and pencil. Not because you draw amazingly well, but because you like to pretend your good at it. Unless you are good at it, well......then...............
I give up.

You finally made your way to the forest which wasn't as dark and eerie as it was last night. It was actually very pretty. You saw animals and flowers and even an abandoned house.

You explored further through the wonders of the forest like Dora but found yourself lost. You sat down with your arms around you knees but didn't cry because you strong woman! YEAH!

But suddenly you heard some rustling, and it made you jump. But then out of the bushes came a boy with closed eyes. A small boy that is.

"Who are you!" You yelled.

They were taken aback by your aggressiveness but responded anyway, "Me?"

"Yeah you!" You yelled again.

"Frisk. Who are you?"

"Well I'm The Best Thing You'll Ever See In Your Life Because I'm So Flippin Awesome" You said in response.


"Oh you meant my name? Oh I'm (Y/N)."

They boy nodded and walked away like nothing happened. "So do you know how to get out of here?" You asked hoping for a way out. Frisk turned around nodded again and led you through bushes and small trees. You got hungry being the mighty beast you are a got out a sandwich. Just an ordinary sandwich, nothing special.

It was cut in half and you offered one half to Frisk. He said no with his whole hand as in saying, "I'm not hungry" Then you said, "More for me then"

You finally reached the exit. "So how old are you and do you come here often?"

"I'm 10 and yes, I do" (A/N i believe that one day I will be
where I was right there. Okay I stop) Frisk answered. Then he left.

You being awesome just shrugged and went back home.

So hope you enjoyed this cruddy chapter because I'm horrible at writing and have no idea how to create a plot line. That's why it's so good! Jk I kid I kid. So um really hope you stay tuned for the next chapter. Um cya later my Bubblekins.
Stay Kawaii✌🏻️🍓🍉🍒


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