Girl X Girl Genocide One Shot

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For all those people who wanted something different.

(They are much older now)

~Let's skip right to the good stuff~

"I choose Genocide"

2nd Person

You kill the froggit after you make your choice. As you cleared the room you turned to Frisk who was no longer uncomfortable with the strategy you took. You looked down at your dusty hands no longer thinking you are a killer. This is a job and your lifestyle.

You turned to Frisk and waved her over to come sit with you. You noticed she had a bit of pink on her cheeks. You didn't acknowledge it.

"Hey, I happened to bring some candy, want some?" You asked Frisk.

"Yes, candy sounds great right now" she said back as she smiled at you.

You sat and ate your candy thinking about what Toriel would think of you. No. You must grow numb because affection is the way to a persons heart, which then leads to lies.

Frisk noticed your thinking face, where you stared off into nowhere with your mouth hanging open like and idiot. She giggled.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Frisk asked with a smile.

You put a fake smile, "Oh nothing, just about how delicious this candy is"

You both got up and left the room and headed to Toriel's house. You couldn't help but realize you still had all the dust on your hands.

You looked inside your backpack and used your handy-dandy wipes to clean your hands.

As you both headed inside the house you smelled the cinnamon-butterscotch pie. You and Frisk hungrily ran to the table.

~Time skip brought to you by handy-dandy wipies~

You and Frisk sat in your room talking about the pie you just ate.

"Hey let's play truth or dare" Frisk said. "Ok"

"So, (Y/N). Truth or dare?"

"Dare, duh"

Frisk smirked, "I dare you to give me a hug"

You shrugged and hugged Frisk. You were thinking all these dares were going to be easy.

"Frisk truth or dare"


You thought, "Hmm. I dare you," you continued, "to give me a longer hug"

She did it thinking nothing of it.

"Okay well I dare you to kiss me" Frisk said suddenly.

"W-what?! You didn't even ask me!! I can't do that!" You said startled.

"Yes you can"

Frisk made you stand up and quickly wrapped her arms around your neck. She put her lips against yours and noticed this was your first kiss. She smirked through the kiss and slowly stuck her tongue out to lick your lip, asking for entrance. You didn't want to be cliche and fight against it, so you opened your mouth.

Frisk stuck her tongue in and started wrestling with you tongue. You both passionately kissed each other

HeLLOOOOOOO guys! I know I've been gone for a long time. Like, a loooong time and I'm sorry. I feel like this app is dying (no offense) and there is no inspiration to write. Yeah that's very cliche but whatever. Anyway, this chapter is supposed to be genocide girl x girl but there's really not much genocide in here and I apologize. If you would like to see more of this and more chapters of this book let me know!! Well anyways,

Stay Kawaii ✌️


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2021 ⏰

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