VII: Toriel approaches!

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"Run Forest! Run!" I heard a voice yell behind me. I looked back and nothing was there.

I just stood there waiting to hear the voice again. "OH MY DAYS! CANT YOU TAKE A HINT? RUN!" I heard once more.

I just ran because I felt like it. Not because anyone was telling me to.... dummy...

Suddenly I heard music as I was running, "Gotta go fast! Gotta go fast! Gotta go faster!"

I stopped running when I heard that and was eaten alive by pepe.

I sat up in my bed, hysterically laughing. This often happens where I dream about things unimaginable then wake up laughing. It could mean something but I don't really look into it...

Frisk came in with a worried look but then started laughing because I was laughing.

~Said time skip brought to you by Toriel's diary~

2nd POV

As you were leaving the ruins Frisk told you about how he had to fight Toriel to exit the first time he was here.
"When I first came here, Toriel said that humans had fallen down here before. She told me, 'You wish to know how to return, "home," do you not? Ahead of us lies the end of the RUINS. A one-way exit to the rest of the underground. I am going to destroy it. No one will ever be able to leave again. Now be a good child and go upstairs.'

"Every human that falls down here meets the same fate. I have seen it again and again. They come. They leave. They die. You naive child... If you leave the Ruins... They... ASGORE... will kill you. I am only protecting you, do you understand? Go to your room. She wanted me to stay with her. When I beat her I thought, yeah I should have stayed...."

You look at his sad face sympathetically. "But I'm happy now!" He looks up with a smile as he continues calmer, "We, are happy now"

You continued walking and put a piece of butterscotch-cinnamon pie into a box. Right next to it was another glowy-thingy. You saved.

Frisk pointed out two skeletons. A petit one and a glorious looking one.

"Hey kid."

I'm gone ~Undertale Frisk X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now