III: Burning

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The story is now completely PG aside from smooching. Lol

I'm sure most of you know this:
(Y/N)= Your name
(E/C)= Eye Color
(H/C)= Hair color
(H/T)= Hair type, length ect.
(N/N)= Nickname
(F/C)= Favorite color (A/N don't kill me)
(S/F/C)= Second favorite color
(F/A)= Favorite animal


These things were banging in my head. These choices.., the suffering...it's almost like a game.......a mind game...

I wouldn't be very observant and sentimental in my choices if this wasn't real....but it is.

Anything I say, anything I touch,..... anything I do, I could risk dying.

I looked at Frisk for what seemed like the eighteenth time.

Froggit POV

She just stood there, dumbfounded. My buddy Frisk made the wrong choice the first time. We wouldn't want that to happen to this girl. We really wouldn't want to reset. That would be bad for all of us. We just got a reset and that was no fun.

"I-I know my answer..., but the choices are what make it frustrating," she went on, "I choose PACIFIST"

Frisk POV

I let out a huge sigh of breath. They both looked at me oddly. I turned around and looked at the camera on my phone.

My face was red from holding in my breath.

At least (Y/N) chose pacifist. I wouldn't want her fate to be something else.

"As a reminder, this doesn't impact your life at all. It just shows what type of person you are at heart. It's YOUR choice if you want to follow the route you chose." Froggit concluded.

(Y/N) nodded and her and I walked off.

We reached a puzzle where we had to step on the right spots on a patch of roses.

(Y/N) wasn't very observant and stepped right on it. She got lucky and landed on a space and started walking forward.

Then, she got to the middle where she turned my left, your right
(A/N no. Don't do that Frisk) and fell.

There was no scream.

When I went down she was there laying on the roses stiffly.

"What are you doing?" I asked her. She looked like Napstablook.

Instead of answering she sat up with a face looking like this emoji--> 😐. (A/N are you freakin' kidding me Frisk)

I looked around awkwardly and found a almost wilted rose. It had  transparent leaves that still had some color to them.  I picked it up and showed it to (Y/N).

She snapped out of that face, "Woah!" She grabbed it and it lit to fire and burnt to ashes.

(Y/N) shrugged and went back up while I stood there completely shocked, scared, and confused.

Hi. Short chapter. Pacifist. Ye.
Stay Kawaii✌🏻️🍓🍉🍒


I'm gone ~Undertale Frisk X ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ