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Anyone and Everyone
(All ages)

I'm sure most of you know this:
(Y/N)= Your name
(E/C)= Eye Color
(H/C)= Hair color
(H/T)= Hair type, length ect.
(N/N)= Nickname
(F/C)= Favorite color (A/N don't kill me)
(S/F/C)= Second favorite color
(F/A)= Favorite animal


The goat thing, by the name of, Toriel, led us to a doorway that was made out of pillars.

The first thing I noticed was a shiny glowing thing in front of a patch of roses. I looked at it cautiously then padded toward it.

I looked at Frisk, who now had his eyes closed again, and he said, "It's okay. It won't hurt you."
I turned around and touched it. Then I heard a voice, "The shadow of the ruins looms above, filling you with determination."

I felt different. Like I had more confidence...or in this case, determination.

I walked up the staircase beside Frisk with Toriel in front of us.

On the inside of the doorway was a closed door with buttons beside it. "Here is the first puzzle" Toriel pushed a certain pattern and told us to walk in with her.

Toriel walked in, with me along side her, but before I left I looked to my side and saw Frisk pushing the rest of the buttons while laughing.

I was shocked because in the short amount of time I knew Frisk, he didn't seem like a person who would do that. I'm literally confused.

I ran in after Toriel and we did a few more puzzles.

"Now, I have an important mission for you (Y/N). I need you to walk across this corridor by yourself. I hate to do this." Toriel said. Then she walked to the other side of the room with Frisk when I wasn't looking.

The hallway looked empty but me being a worrywart, which is one of my very few negative traits, trudged across it cautiously. What if there were traps! TRAPS!

I was practically tiptoeing across the room. I could tiptoe really good because I took ballet lessons for a few months.

I continued my mission. I looked at the ceiling, the floor, the walls and the roof to see if there were any secret things. I looked behind me, still tiptoeing and ran into something hard. I fell to the floor, only to look up and see a wall. A wall....are you kidding me.

Toriel jumped out from behind a pillar, "Ahh!" I screamed loud. Not because I was scared or anything. Pfft. "Do not worry, my child. I was simply behind this pillar the whole time."

"Why'd you make me do that! My paranoia was on the edge of falling! But there wasn't even anything there!"

"I did it to test your independency."

I stood there dumbfounded by a simple test that I took ever so cautiously.

"Well I have somewhere to be. As usual.....so I must be off. Here take this phone. Frisk has one as well. I will be back to pick you up. I will see you later," She started to walk away with Frisk, "Oh! Frisk would you like to stay with
(Y/N)?" Before he could answer she took off through the door.

"Hey! Um....can I have your number?.. You know, just in case?" I asked him nervously. It seems weird to ask for someone's number, especially if you just met them.

"Okay. So if you ever need help you can call me on here...." Frisk explained. Then we exchanged numbers.

"So.., why'd you push me down the hole?"

"........well the snowglobe was a gift from my friends and they don't want people knowing about Snowdin until we get out of here..."

"You are stuck here?" I asked curiously.

"Yes. There's no way out."

"Then how do you get to the forest?"

"It was a one time thing. If I shook the snowglobe if would take me to the top, where I stayed for a while, and if I shook it again, I would come back and the snowglobe would disappear."

"Is that why you grabbed it from me? So you wouldn't go back?"

"Yes" Frisk answered, "But if I jumped through the hole, the snowglobe wouldn't disappear" Frisk told me.

2nd POV

You and Frisk walked out of the room Toriel told you to stay in because your frippin' rebels.

The first thing you saw was a frog. It was white tho. I'm not racist it's true!

It touched you and you saw everything go black and white again. Instead of fighting you the frog talked to you. (A/N I don't remember this part so I will make it up XD)

Two boxes appeared in front of you. The one on the left said, PACIFIST, in large letters, and the other one said GENOCIDE. There was a box in the middle that said NEUTRAL, but it quickly disappeared.

"Take your pick on which path you want to have in your life," the frog explained.

Frisk POV

The time has come. The time has come for (Y/N) to choose her path. I will try to stay calm. I hope Froggit tells her what they mean. I hope she chooses pacifist so she doesn't have to make the same mistake I did.....resetting...


"The one on the left, PACIFIST, means you don't kill ANYTHING. The one on the right, GENOCIDE, means you kill anything and EVERYTHING," The frog explained, "By the way, the names Froggit"

I don't know what either means. I mean, I like to play that I'm insane on the Internet. (A/N, no offense guys) But I don't want to kill things in real life. This is confusing. What should I choose?




Your choice.

I'm gone ~Undertale Frisk X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now