IV: Different

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I'm sure most of you know this:
(Y/N)= Your name
(E/C)= Eye Color
(H/C)= Hair color
(H/T)= Hair type, length ect.
(N/N)= Nickname
(F/C)= Favorite color (A/N don't kill me)
(S/F/C)= Second favorite color
(F/A)= Favorite animal

Frisk POV

(Y/N) went back up so I looked at the floor. I had already done this puzzle so I know what to do. I just don't remember the pattern. I'm not that great at remembering stuff okay!


Okay. Okay. Okay! I'm really freaked out right now! The rose burnt. It burnt! I shrugged and walked it off, but really I was having a mini heart attack.

After I calmed down, Frisk joined me at the top.

He grabbed my hand and we went through the roses in a certain way. Frisk seemed to know how to do it, so I let him take the lead.

We walked all the way down. Then sideways, then up, and finally sideways again. We reached the end so I threw his hand out of mine. Not because his hand smelled like old French fries, which it didn't thankfully, but because that's how I am.

~Time skip brought to you by author~chan because she can't remember how it goes~

Toriel POV

I can't believe that dog took my phone! I can't call (Y/N) or Frisk! I'm so worried.

Might aswell put these thoughts to the side, Toriel. Besides, I have to focus on getting the ingredients for the buttermilk pie I have planned for dinner tonight.

I walk around the garden and find bread growing on a stem. I find the ripest, bestest, one I can find.

Just as I pick it, Frisk and (Y/N) walk in. Thank goodness!

"Hey mum! Sorry we took long! (Y/N) had to choose-...... nevermind.." Frisk started explaining to myself.

"Oh it's okay! I'm so sorry I didn't call you, my children. A dog took my phone and is now sleeping with it" I acquainted them.

Frisk nodded as in agreement and we all walked to the house, which wasn't far.

When we got there I let (Y/N) look around the residency. Frisk already knew where his room was, so I showed (Y/N) to her room. It was to the right of mine. It was very bland.


My area was boring but I could live in it. I put my bag there. The I walked into the living room where Toriel was reading a book.

I instantly got bored so I went to see if Frisk was there.

I walked into his room and saw he wasn't there. Weird. Is he on the surface? He has access to it..,

Frisk POV

Aw! Cr-apple! (A/N how I cuss. It's pronounced: see-are Apple)

I accidentally shook the snowglobe! Okay I'm on the surface now. But it felt different. More.....dead..

3rd Person POV

Frisk felt different when he was on the surface. He walked around the forest in which he met (Y/N).

Frisk knew why it felt different. All the trees, the plants, were dead. The once dirt paths with flowers on the side were now mossy cobblestone. It would've looked nice if the cobblestone didn't have cracks with the eeriest of spiders in.

The clouds were darker, the sun no longer shined. Frisk felt alone for the first time ever. He felt alone.

He walked along the path that he always took. On it, were dead animals such as, rabbits, squirrels, even Hawks.

"What terrible thing would do this?" Frisk contemplated.

The trees seemed to be closing in on him every second. The dead leaves and berries, to the wilted trunks, to the over grown weeds, to the dying flowers, everything was wrong.

This isn't right, Frisk thought, it's not right

This wouldn't just happen out of the blue. Something has to be behind it. I need help. I need my friends, Toriel, Papyrus, Sans,....Asriel,...I still can't believe he chose to be Flowey so he could be evil. Everything we did.
Frisk started, No. This is not the time for that.

He did all he could, he went back underground. He knew he could get Toriel or someone to help.

I know I keep writing short chapters. Sorry. I don't have writers block btw. I probably won't for a long time too. Cya later Bubblekins
Stay Kawaii✌🏻️🍓🍉🍒


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