I: Welcome to the Underground

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Anyone and Everyone
(All ages)

I'm sure most of you know this:
(Y/N)= Your name
(E/C)= Eye Color
(H/C)= Hair color
(H/T)= Hair type, length ect.
(N/N)= Nickname
(F/C)= Favorite color (A/N don't kill me)
(S/F/C)= Second favorite color
(F/A)= Favorite animal

2nd person POV

You went to school the next day hoping to finally make the new kid at school like you. All the boys liked you and that's why you had no female friends. They all hated you.

The new kid was surprisingly a goat. It didn't shock you that much though because you're amazing and gets scared of merely anything. He had a long sleeve green shirt with yellow stripes. He said he had to come here because there was no school where he was from, and he wanted to learn.

~Said time skip to after school brought to you by Ketchup~


I grabbed my (F/C) backpack and the same sweater I wore yesterday and packed my stuff for the forest. This is the second day that I visit it.

I walked out and had to go back in because my mom yelled at me to turn off my the kitchen light all the way from her bedroom. I went to her bedroom and knocked on her door, to ask her a question because I know that she's an old fashion girl. "Mother, I really don't feel like living like this anymore. I like the wild. And no one seems to care for me. I mean come on. Would a chicken dinner be too much to ask? Can I please not live here anymore?" Why won't she understand? I'm just saying this because I want to live in a cabin or in the forest. I don't like when life is full of decency. And people who seemed to care for me...but not really. It's like a doll. A smile that's usually so perfect and crisp but as soon as it reaches something that will break their fake-ness, in this case nail polish remover, they seem to feel like they were just a putting on a whole act.

She stared at me then nodded slowly with tears in her eyes. She called everyone telling them that I was leaving. She finished and told me no. That I didn't have her permission anymore. I got very mad. So mad, I slapped her and yelled, "SEE! YOU DONT CARE FOR ME AND WHAT I WANT AND NEED!" With that I left.

On the way to the forest I was trying to forget the fight I had with my mother.

Suddenly something distracted me from my thoughts, I spotted a small bag with a red heart on it. I went over to inspect it and saw it was a small snow globe. Inside it was a few houses. There was an overflowing mailbox with an empty mailbox right next to it. Beside the mailbox was what looked like two skeletons, a small one and a big one, in front of a house.

"Woah cool!" I said because there was a pile of snow with a dog head and tail sticking out of it. There was also a sign that said, Welcome To Snowdin!

2nd person POV

"Snowdin?" You asked yourself curiously.

"There it is!" You heard a voice yell from behind you. You turned around and saw it was the boy you met the other day by the name of Frisk.

"Oh, um...that's my bag and my stuff.." He said trying not to be ambitious.

Since at school they told you never really to use the "finders keepers, losers weepers" rule you put the stuff back in the bag and gave it to Frisk. "Thanks." He thanked politely. "Your welcome!" You said cheerfully, "I think the snow globe is so cool!"

He had a worried look on his face when you mentioned you had seen the snow globe. "What? It's just a snow globe," You told him.

He sighed very lightly and motioned for you to follow him.

You trust him. You feel like he's known his way around here for a while. You followed him up Mt. Ebott and saw a large hole.

You looked down it and saw nothing but pitch black. You had a confused face and looked at Frisk.

"This won't hurt" he said.

But then you felt a push and you started falling down the hole. You heard "I'm sorry!" Then saw him jump in too.

I guess this is it (Y/N). No more family or life.....but hey! No stomachaches!

You closed your eyes ready for the blow, but felt nothing but softness. You sat up confused again and saw Frisk fall in face first. You laughed because it looked funny, but then stopped because you realized you were in a patch of flowers. They were all golden.

You looked back at Frisk.

Frisk POV

I looked back at (Y/N) after she finished laughing at me and looking around. Then she stood up right in front of where I was sitting, "WHY'D YA PUSH ME!"

I stayed quite and waited for the "initiation"


He didn't answer me and I felt a small shake in the ground. I looked around and out-popped another golden flower but this one had a face. Then it spoke, "Howdy! I'm Flowey! Flowey the flower!"

I looked at frisk who seemed not amused like he's seen this before. He looked back at me. "You're new to the Underground, aren't cha'?"

Underground? Is that where I am or does he mean like an underground cavern?

"Golly. Someone oughta teach you how things work around here. You must be so confused. I guess lil' ol' me will have to do"

How things work? Is there a system?

"Well here we go!"

Everything turned black and white including Frisk and I. I saw a
(F/C) heart on my sweater. Even my sweater had turned black and white.

"See that heart? That's your soul! The very coronation of your being! Your soul starts off weak, but can grow strong if you gain lots of LV"

If I gain lots of LV? Level?

"What's LV stand for? Why, LOVE, of course! You want some love don't you?," He winked and a little sparkle flew out, "Here, I'll share some with you. Down here love is shared through little FRIENDLINESS PELLETS! Catch these!"

A bunch of white thingies came flying towards me and I went to go grab them all but I felt a tug pulling me back. I turned around and saw it was Frisk. "What are you doing!" I screeched. He shook his head no really fast.

I ended up not catching any, "Hey, you missed em," He said with an unamused face, "Let's try again!"

They all hit me, which left a pain through my body. "OW! Those pellets HURT!" I looked above me and saw a little rectangle that said [HEALTH 1/20]


Suddenly a circle of those white things came flying around me. I'm going to die right here on the spot! I closed my eyes but I heard a blast. I looked up and saw Flowey fly away. I also noticed the rectangle above my head said, [HEALTH 20/20]

"What a horrible creature! Torturing such a poor innocent youth!" 

"Toriel!" I heard Frisk yelled excitedly and he hugged her.

I was really scared. I didn't know who this was and I wanted to leave. The goat noticed my facial expression and said, "Do not fear my child, I am Toriel, caretaker of the ruins" I nodded and asked, "Do you know a goat with a green and yellow long sleeve shirt. Looks about my age?" That question just popped into my head. Y'know because she's a goat

Frisk, who was still hugging Toriel, eyes opened and went big and he looked at Toriel who had the same expression.  "Come! Let me guide you through the catacombs"

Hi. Hi. HI. HI. HI! HI! Sorry, I know I'm crazy. This is a longer chapter with over 1300 words. And who else can hear the undertale soundtrack while they are reading? XD
Cya later Bubblekins!
Stay Kawaii✌🏻️🍓🍉🍒


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