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This is it. The moment Leon has been waiting for his whole life: College. This is the time to live life to the fullest and make memories for years to come. The next four years are going to be the days he looks back upon and laughs and cries because they were the best times of his life.

Normally, this is said when you go to high school, but Leon never really had those thoughts in high school. He was always too preoccupied with other things at the time, specifically his dream girl. Her name- Violetta.

She was sweet and pretty and her eyes were the warmest shade of brown. She was the girl Leon crushed on ever since he walked into history freshman year. She was sitting a few desks away from him, munching on some cookies. He can't quite recall what it was at the time that made him look her way, but when he did, he felt time stop. Frozen in time, he stared and admired, catching the love bug early on in the year. What made it even better was the fact that she was eating his favorite kind of cookie, chocolate chip. It's like they were soulmates or something.

She was running through Leon's mind nonstop for four years straight and he vowed that on graduation day he would confess his feelings. He was going to do it at Ludmilla Ferro's graduation party, only he was greatly disappointed when he arrived and saw her clinging onto Diego's arm. Since then, he's spent the summer re-evaluating his life and has tried his hardest to forget about the past. With high school behind him, he can move on to greater things, thus why he stands in front of the dorm hall, ready for whatever life throws his way.

Step by step, he climbs the stairs until he reaches the third floor where the RA said his room would be the second door on the right. Dozens of other students fill the hall, searching for their own room and talking with their roommate. If Leon remembers correctly, he signed up for the coed dorm hall which means that his roommate can either be male or female, or anything in between. He was never one to judge and he only hopes that whoever he does room with is a nice person.

He sticks the key into the locked door, hesitating for a moment to take a breath. His new reality is getting more real by the minute. He finally pushes the door open when it's unlocked, finding the room empty. He must have gotten here first then. He claims the bed closest to him on the left wall, setting his bags on the desk beside it. The other bed is across the room, tucked into the right corner of the entirety of the room. It has its own desk beside it, along with a large window that Leon walks over to in order to have a look outside.

From here, the campus looks huge. The grass patches and buildings go on for what seems like miles. Students roam the campus, many strolling from here to there without a care in the world. Leon feels the same way and he's very glad that he's going to be spending the next four years of his life here.

He turns back toward the bed and begins to put away his things, organizing his belongings where they need to go. He wouldn't want his roommate to think he's messy. By the time he finishes, there's still no sign of whoever is supposed to be bunking with him. He shrugs it off, instead logging on to his laptop to connect it to the school wifi. After he does so, he spends the rest of his time watching a movie as he waits for the day to end.

Another two hours go by and Leon is starting to think no one is going to show up. It's far past seven in the evening. If he was going to have a roommate, they should have been here already. He's barely getting used to the idea when the door is being thrown open and in comes someone that Leon never expected to see again.

Living With My Crush - LeonettaWhere stories live. Discover now