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"So, just to recap, you're living with Violetta. As in, the Violetta you had a thing for all during high school?"


"And she's just like you remember, if not prettier?"


"And she has no memory of you two going to high school."

"... No."

Leon has told Andres about his recent encounter with Violetta and he's just as shocked by the news as Leon was.

"Wow, dude, that's harsh."

"You're telling me."

"Didn't you guys have a class together?"

"History, every year."

"And still nothing?"

"Nope." Andres reaches an arm to pat his buddy on the back.

"Sorry, man." Leon shrugs, spinning in the desk chair in Andres' room. His room is only meant for one, making it much more spacious than the room he shares with Violetta. They haven't mention sleeping arrangements, but Leon knows he'll be sleeping on the floor. At this point, anything is better than having to face Violetta after his humiliation.

It's crazy to think that she didn't even bother to learn his name. Not even as just a passing thing, in case she ever needed to get something from him. Maybe a scenario would come up where she didn't have a pencil and everyone said they didn't have a spare, leaving Leon as the only person to ask. What would she have done then? Been cute about it and completely pass on saying his name, calling him nicknames like hun or babe. Leon would not have stood for it.

Okay, that's a lie, he wouldn't have even realized she hadn't mentioned his name, mind probably off in lala land at the simple fact that she had spoken to him. He really was pathetic. He slumps in the desk chair, closing his eyes and listening as Andres clicks away at his computer. He's trying to pull up a movie for them to watch, but his connection sucks and it means Leon has to sit there and wallow in his thoughts.

Violetta had Leon wrapped around her finger without even knowing it. He was so gone for her, there were times that he did things he wasn't necessarily proud of for her, just to see here smile. Like the time she hadn't finished some assignment and Leon had persistently begged the teacher to move the due date so Violetta could have more time. Or the day rain was pouring beyond belief and he overheard Violetta telling Fran that she would have to walk home in the pouring rain. Leon left his only source of cover, his own umbrella, by her locker and let her use it instead of him. Even though he had to walk a whole mile in the pouring rain. He was just happy to see her happy.

"Got it man." Leon jumps out of his thoughts, plopping himself next to his best friend and smiling when he sees he's pulled up some action film. Best way to forget about anything.

Come morning, Leon has no other choice but to head back to his own dorm. Though he would rather avoid seeing Violetta again, there's really no way around it. He could try asking for a different roommate, but last he heard that was a lot of paperwork and there was no guarantee you would even get a new roommate, so he threw that off the table. He'd just have to face the music and bear with the idea that he'll be living with Violetta.

Living with Violetta. That phrase alone was once a source of his happiness. He liked to imagine what his life would be like if he ever got together with Violetta. Sometimes his imagination would go as far as rooming them together, Leon coming home to his adoring girlfriend and her jumping into his arms at the doors. It was all butterflies and rainbows and then they would eat dinner and snuggle on the couch and sleep pressed together on the bed.

But all those illusions went away the second he saw her in another man's arms. He had built up this imaginary world with her in it and assumed that graduation day would be the starting point. He shouldn't have assumed.

He sighs as he finally makes it to his dorm, pacing in the hallways as he readies himself for another encounter with her. This is his life now, he needs to get used to it. He'll have to see Violetta every day, night, and whatever time in between. She's going to be a part of his life again and though he wanted to forget her, he won't be able to now.

With a determined step, he waltzes into the room, freezing when he sees Violetta trying to put a shirt on. Once the fabric is completely covering her torso, she spins around, yelping when she sees Leon by the doorway.

"Warn a girl, will you! I was in the middle of changing." She crosses her arms, narrowing her eyes at Leon. "You didn't see anything did you?" Technically he didn't since she was facing away from him, but he feels guilty in saying that he didn't catch a total glimpse. His silence has Violetta frowning and Leon hurries to try and answer.

"No- sort of- like not really- uh."

"Perv." She mumbles, not bothering with Leon anymore and simply grabbing her phone before she's out the door.

"I've messed up again." Leon huffs.

The day goes by slowly, Leon lying on his bed with millions of thoughts in his head, the main one being how he should apologize. It's eating him alive, the fact that he couldn't be honest with her and just outright say, "It was an accident". He had to make a fool of himself. He's an idiot.

He covers his face with his a pillow and whines in self-loathing when he hears the door open. He sits up like a lightning bolt, staring at Violetta as she does the same.

"Welcome back." Leon tries. He makes no indication to acknowledge him, pressing her lips together and going to her own bed. "Look, I was stupid earlier. The truth is, I walked in at the wrong moment and you were barely putting your shirt on. Don't worry, I didn't see anything... Well okay, I did see part of your back, but that's it. I'm sorry if it gave you the wrong impression." She stays silent and Leon leans back on his bed. "We really got off on the wrong foot didn't we?" He doesn't expect an answer is very surprised when he gets one

"The last two days have been pretty weird, but if we're going to be living together I think it's time we make amends." She stands up and Leon follows her lead, both now standing in the middle of the room. "Why don't we start over?" She extends her hands between them and Leon takes it in his, noting the way his hand warms at the touch. "I'm Violetta, and you are?"

"Leon." A fresh start is just what they needed.

Living With My Crush - LeonettaWhere stories live. Discover now