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Long minutes pass by as Leon waits for an answer. She holds her ground, mouth screwed shut in an attempt to avoid it. Leon isn't going to have it. He'll wait as long as he has to. He's already waited four years, it's time to make things happen.

"Violetta, please."

"Fine." Leon smiles, stepping back slightly to give her space and make sure she doesn't go anywhere.

"That kiss meant something to me. I hope it meant something to you too. But... if it didn't, I'll understand. Just tell me." She drops her head, fumbling with her fingers. Leon reaches out to stop her nervous habit, just wishing she would talk already.

"I don't know."


"I don't know if it meant anything. I'm not really sure how I feel about all this." Leon steps back further, not quite understanding Violetta. "Leon, it's weird for me. We've been living together for the last month and I don't think I can easily transition from just being your roommate to being your girlfriend."

"I thought we were friends."

"We are friends, and that makes it so much worse. I value your friendship and if we end up dating and things don't work out, things could get very ugly."

"No one said we'd be breaking up."

"We can't predict the future, Leon. I'm just worried about what might happen later." Leon hauls her in for a hug, keeping her close to his chest as he tries to figure out what to say next. Leon would be lying if he said he wasn't scared too. So much can happen with this, but he so desperately wants this to work out. He'll go to any measure to be hers.

"Don't think about the future then. Live in the now. I really like you, Violetta. We can take things slow if you'd like, but please, I want this so badly." Violetta shifts in his arms, bracing her forearms on his chest to glance up at him.

"We can go slow?"

"As slow as a snail." She half smiles, resuming their hug. Leon cradles her in his arms because it's finally happening. He's going to go out with Violetta. "Let's go on a date." He exclaims. She leaves his arms and crosses her own over her chest.

"What happened to taking it slow?"

"It's our first date, not our second. C'mon it'll be fun." He begs, taking her hands in his and moving them about. She laughs at his childish antics and nods her head, quickly removing one of her hands so she can point at him.

"But I get to decide when the date happens."


Leon waits about a week before the big date. He's heading back to the dorms when he's tackled by a smaller body who is trying their best to move him through the crowd. He turns his head to see Violetta pushing at him, clear determination on her face.

"Having fun?" Her eyes meet his and he can see the smile creeping its way onto her face.

"Of course, now let's get a move on." She shoves harder, Leon having no other choice, but to let himself get pushed wherever it is she wants. They end up in the parking lot, right next to her car. She unlocks it and motions for Leon to get in.

"Where are we going?" He asks even when he knows he probably won't get a response. He's proven right when she shakes her finger at him, zipping her lips. Leon sits back, watching the scenery change from buildings to open land. The air is crisper as the hour goes by, Leon taking notice of the smell in the air. Sea breeze.

Suddenly, they make a right turn, coming up into a small town. Small houses adorn the streets along with people on bicycles or holding surfboards. He grins in excitement, bouncing in his seat as he starts to hear the waves crashing on the shore. The ocean comes into view, blue water lapping on the sand. Leon all but runs when Violetta parks, tossing his shoes behind him to feel the press of the warm sand between his toes.

"This is amazing. I've never been to the beach!" He yells, some onlookers eyeing him funny. Leon isn't bothered in the slightest, too wrapped up in the fact that he's actually at a beach. He's always lived in the heart of the city, very far from the beach life. He jogs over to the water, feet slipping in the moist sand. His toes curl when the water meets his skin, giggles erupting at the feeling of the sea water. "I love it!"

Violetta pops up a minute later with Leon's shoes in her hand. She plops them closer to where Leon is, along with a blanket to sit on. She toes off her own shoes and catches up to Leon in the water.

"I can't believe you've never been to a beach." Leon shrugs in response, dropping to the floor to grab a handful of sand. He lets it seep through his fingertips, fascinated by the silkiness of it.

"My parents were big city folks, never wanted to see the countryside. I always wanted to come out here and they always told me it was too long of a drive. It's actually why I choose to come over here for school. I was hoping to visit the beach." After he stands, he reaches out to take Violetta's hand in his. "You made one of my childhood dreams come true... Well, maybe two." He smiles at Violetta who regards him with confusion.


"Yeah, I've been dying to ask you out since high school..." He trials off when he remembers that it's a sore subject. "Sorry." She's silent for a second, swinging their bound hands together.

"What were you like in high school?"


"I've been curious. I know I can't really remember you, but I want to know more about you. Maybe I could place you if you told me about yourself."

"I wasn't a jock. I got straight A's. My only true friend was Andres... I obsessed over a girl for four years." Violetta blushes when she realizes Leon is talking about her. "My life kind of revolved around you back then." His confession has thoughts reeling in, memories of his life in high school.

"It did? But you didn't know me. And I didn't know you."

"I wanted to get to know you, I just never knew how, so I did little things to maybe try and get your attention." All the times he's done stuff for her come to mind.

"Like what?"

"It's rather silly."

"Tell me."

Living With My Crush - LeonettaWhere stories live. Discover now