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Their holiday adventure turns into a dismal party when instead of sunny skies, dark clouds roamed the atmosphere. Soon, rain is pouring down on their parade and the four friends are rushing into their small rented beach house.

"The weather broadcast said clear skies all week." Federico complains. He stares out the window at the dreary clouds. "This blows." His girlfriend, Ludmilla, rushes to his side to rub his shoulders.

"It's okay, babe. We can still make the most of it."

Violetta throws her soaked hat onto the floor, tossing her hair behind her to fix it. Leon brushes her wet shoulders with a towel to finish drying her off.

"I'm sure we can still have fun, even if it is inside." Leon agrees, dropping his own wet jacket on the floor next to Violetta's hat. "I mean I packed Apples to Apples in case of any bad weather."

"Let's play. It'll lighten the mood." Ludmilla appeals. Federico agrees with the condition that if it does clear up, they are to go straight outside for some fun in the sun. They all gather around the coffee table, Leon dealing out the cards. And so their fun begins...

It's almost an hour later and nobody has seemed to notice how the clouds have finally gone away for the day, leaving a striking sunset to admire. All four of them are too engrossed in their game to care about the weather. As much as Federico had complained, he was the first one to get into the spirit. Ludmilla has been winning with four cards in her favor. Violetta has been laughing nonstop for half an hour, everyone's response being hilarious. Leon has been smiling nonstop because of her infectious laughter. Even if it hasn't been the most becoming of starts, Leon thinks it's going to be a blast for the next few days.

The next day finds Violetta chasing Leon around the tiny beach house, nail polish in hand. She's yelling for Leon to stop the chase and let her paint his nails. He isn't having it, running around the couch at least five times to avoid her.

"Please!" She whines, racing to the other side to try and catch up to him before he goes. He zigzags past her, aiming for the back door. Federico just so happens to stop him though, showing off his own hands.

"She got me, so she'll have to get you too." Leon groans as he tries to go back the way he came, Violetta hot on his tail.

"I hate when you both gang up on me." He calls, trying to hide behind the couch. He doesn't make it though. He's tackled into the couch by Violetta who's trying to wrestle him into submission. "Nooo." He tries to make it so he's the one in charge, but Violetta keeps him firmly caged in. He huffs as she picks up his hand, kissing it gently.

"Don't worry, this won't hurt."

"Maybe not, but I'm going to have to wait around until they dry and that's going to suck." She chuckles as she begins to paint. She squints her eyes as she goes into concentration mode. Her fingers hold the brush gently as she brushes every single nail one by one. Leon patiently waits, admiring Violetta as he has nothing else to do. Her wavy hair bounces as she bops left to right to get a better angle. Her nose scrunches up every once in a while, when she messes up, and Leon snickers quietly at her. He's so fascinated by her he doesn't even realize when she's finished.

"Do you like it?" She asks, probably for like the third time and Leon smiles as he leans up to capture her lips with his.

"I love them." He admires his pastel pink nails, not even caring that in a matter of hours he'll mess them up. He can't keep things tame for long. He'll try to keep it on as long as possible if it'll make Violetta happy. She smiles as she catches his gaze, settling on top of him without a care.

"We should watch a movie." She suggests, taking the remote of the table and switching on the television. She channel surfs for a few minutes before she settles on some romcom that Leon cannot remember the name of. He closes his eyes halfway through, suddenly tired. He can feel Violetta's even breathing on his chest and knows full well that she's falling asleep. He wraps his arms around her to steady himself, a short nap won't hurt anyone.

Sometime later, the stars are shining bright above and the two couples are stargazing for the evening. Leon had Violetta in his arms, her back pressed into her chest. Her warmth radiated off of her and onto him, warming him even through the chilly night.

"So much more stars are visible over here." Violetta notes, finger following patterns in the sky. Leon nods, hugging her close. It's crazy how it's only been about of month and he feels like he and Violetta have shared forever. In some ways they have, since they had been going to the same school. The major difference now is that he no longer lurks in the shadows as he waits for her love. He gets to have her, right there in front of him.

"I've been meaning to tell you something." Leon says, hands tightening on her waist.

"What?" Leon leans down to kiss her on the cheek, planting small kisses on his way to her lips.

"I really love you." Violetta tenses in his arms for a half a second before bursting in a huge grin. She giggles as she garbs onto Leon's neck, bringing him back down for another kiss. Loving Violetta is pretty much what he had been doing for four years and now he gets to admit it to her, without fear of being scorned. She drops her head onto his shoulder, smiling up at him through the dark. The stars shine off of her eyes resembling diamonds in the moonlight. All he can think about is how he's doesn't think he's ever seen anything more beautiful than Violetta looking at him the way she is.

Living With My Crush - LeonettaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant