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The first weekend of the semester has come around and Leon should be spending his day efficiently resting in his bed. Sadly, that isn't the case if he wants to pass his first major exam. His comparative law professor said their first exam of the year is coming up and in order to stay in the class, he has to get at least an 80 on the test. Now, it would be all fine and dandy if he had any clue what the test was actually on, but the professor specified no details of the test, only going as far as saying that they should read the first five lessons in their textbook. The textbook has over five hundred pages and if that doesn't say enough, there are only seven lessons.

So, Leon woke up at the crack of dawn, yawning into his pillow and almost wishing he could drop the class entirely. He's been up for almost seven hours now, the clock striking half past noon and Leon is in dire need of food or water or even better, sleep.

"Still studying?" Leon's gaze leaves the book after such a long time of staring that he practically sees words in the air. Violetta is at the doorway with her arms crossed over one another leisurely.

"Yeah." She shakes her head at him, jingling her keys with her pointer finger.

"I think you could use a break. Want to come get some food with me?" Leon has about a thousand reasons why he shouldn't go, but before he even has the time to say one, he stands up. Violetta grins and that's enough to have Leon thinking that he really should just drop the class.

The car ride there is far more awkward than Leon realized it would be, mostly because Violetta still forgets they attended the same high school. She'll go into a story about a teacher who she couldn't remember the name of and based off of the description, Leon would provide the name. Every time she'd look over at him like he was magical for having known that information, Leon then having to remind her that they went to the same school. After about four instances where the same thing happened, the car ride remained silent.

Once at the place, Violetta excitedly told Leon how this place was her very favorite sandwich shop and how the sandwiches were so good, she could probably live off them for years. Leon nods along, holding the door open as they walk in. It reminds him of countless times when he would do the same back then, Violetta not even turning his way to thank him, much like now as she saunters over to the till.

When the cashier asks for her order, she doesn't even glance at the menu above them, ordering straight from memory. Not wanting to keep her waiting, Leon asks for the same. They sit at a table next to a window, the midday light reflecting off of Violetta almost like a halo effect. Leon has to multiple sips of his drink to make sure he doesn't blurt that out.

"So why have you been studying all day?" Violetta asks minutes after their food arrives. She takes a large bite of her sandwich, closing her eyes in approval of the taste. Leon takes a bite of his and his eyes are wide as he immediately goes for a second bite, it tastes that good.

"I have a test Monday." Leon finally says, wiping at his mouth because God forbid she thinks he's a slob for getting any kind of sauce on his face.

"A test already? You must have a tough major."

"I'm studying law." She whistles, something Leon had no idea she could do, and sips on her water.

"Heard it's pretty hard to study law. You're quite the trooper then?"

"I guess." Leon shrugs, loving how easily they've slipped back into conversation since the car. He knew Violetta had always been carefree, go with the flow kind of personality, though he doesn't think he ever truly understood that until this moment. She's not acting like they're strangers. She's genuinely trying to make a friend of Leon, not preoccupied with the fact that only half an hour ago things were weird. Leon likes that, no loves that about her and he can feel his heart beat picking up in his chest.

The same feeling he got four years ago the first time he saw her is returning and he wants it to go away, to never come back because college wasn't supposed to be like this. He was on to a better future, without the worry about girls and now all he can think about is Violetta. About the way she talks, smiles, laughs. Everything about her resonates in his heart just like it did freshman year.


"Sorry, what?" She laughs- a laugh that makes Leon want to jump back into his feelings of the past.

"I asked if you liked the sandwich."

"Oh yeah, loved it. You were right about this place, these sandwiches are like better than anything I've ever tasted and my mom is an amazing cook." Another laugh, one softer than before and Leon smiles shyly at her.

"Best in town I tell you. I actually discovered this place through a cousin who used to live over here. He would always drive us over here, telling me my stay wasn't finished until we got a sandwich from this place. That was back when I was twelve. I haven't had the chance to see him since he went to study abroad last year, so this is actually the first time I've come in a while." The story itself is in essence, a snippet of her life, one that Leon had no idea existed and it warms his heart that she shared this with him. He smiles wide at her, her own expression questioning as Leon speaks.

"I hope it's okay that I'm here with you instead of your cousin." She eyes him playfully, tapping her chin as she considers what Leon said.

"You'll have to do." She says seconds later, grinning as she finishes up her food. "Maybe next time you can try the BLT, it's just as good as the sandwich today." Next time, as in another time they'll be coming here together. Leon can't wait.

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