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"Tell me."

Leon hesitates. He's about to admit things he hasn't thought about in three months. Things he wanted to keep in the past when he thought he lost his chance. Back then, fessing up was all he could ever think about. Instead of being excited, his stomach turns with nerves. The time has come where these memories will see the light of day. He gulps.

"Well, uh-" He leads Violetta back to the dry sand, plopping them both down. "I used to do a lot of small things for you. You probably had no idea it was even me doing it." His eyes leave her face so he can stare out into the ocean to help calm his nerves. "I would leave notes on your desk when I knew you were having a bad day, to remind you it would get better. I'd drop a pen on your desk on Thursday- the day we always had a pop quiz- because I knew you always forgot to pack one. I- uhm- bought you a lot of those flowergrams when the school was holding that fundraiser, just to see you smile every time you got one." Those are some of the main ones he can remember. He knows there are possibly hundreds more, but he doesn't voice any more of them.

"You did all that?" He catches her gaze again, slightly started by her expression of awe. Leon nods and her smile grows. "You were the secret admirer. The one who also left me that umbrella and those cookies when I had been craving them all day. I never figured out who you were. Francesca and I would always go through the yearbook to try and guess who it was. No once did it ever occur to me that it would be you... I regret that." She leans closer, head resting on his shoulder now. "I might not have known who you were, but I definitely liked you, a lot." Her mouth touches his jaw, a sweet kiss to his skin. "I wish I would have known."

"I wasn't ready to be found out. I mean I told myself that if you ever figured out I was the one doing all those things, I'd confess. But, I realized the reason I did them in secret was because I was scared that you'd reject me. My worst fear was you telling me that I wasn't what you expected." Violetta places her hand on his cheek, tilting his head down. She leans up to peck his lips, beaming when she pulls away.

"I would have never said that. I fell for your personality, not your looks. All I knew was someone was doing such nice things for me, whoever it was, I would love them because they treated me the way I always wanted to be treated in a relationship." She runs her fingers through his hair, gently tugging him closer. "Knowing this, I sure about us. I want to be your girlfriend." She seals her words with a kiss, a kiss unlike the first. There was no apprehension, just emotions she can only deliver through this wonderful kiss. She wanted him too. Leon grins, wrapping his arms around her waist to keep her trapped in a lip lock. He's happy, really happy that this is going well.

Even back then, he never thought it would go so well. His best case scenario was that she would have agreed to one trial date. That was it. He never went as far as hoping that he would even get a kiss that night and yet today he got two. It's literally the best feeling to know that his once crush wants to be his. He gets to be her boyfriend.

Their date ends when the sun starts to set. An array of blue, yellow, and pink paint the sky like a photo, one Leon has always dreamed of seeing real life. His eyes scan over the horizon to admire all its beauty. His first date was the best thing he's ever experienced.

They head back to the car, Leon offering to drive since he could tell Violetta was tired. She handed him the keys, tucking herself into the passenger seat. Driving back was like driving back memory lane, distant fantasies coming back to him as he cast glances over to a sleeping Violetta. He would imagine dates like this where they would spend hours together until she was too tired to even keep her eyes open. Leon would drive them back to town, dropping a sleepy Violetta at her doorstep. He would leave her with a kiss that would linger on her lips like a dream since she would be half asleep.

Reality brings him back to the car where he's currently living out his dream, driving around potholes to make sure she gets enough sleep. He wouldn't want Violetta to hit her pretty little head as they were cruising down the highway. Soft music plays in the car, Leon humming as if it were a lullaby. This was more than he could of asked for today. Just him, Violetta, and the beach- a wonderful combination for a first date.

It's almost midnight when they arrive back. Leon has an arm under Violetta's knees while the other rests under her head. She had insisted on being carried up to the dorms and Leon was more than willing to do what she asked. He had her pressed into his chest, completely content that he could hold her like this. He opens their door, settling Violetta onto her bed. He kisses her forehead before throwing a blanket over her. She snuggles into the warmth causing Leon to grin at her cuteness.

He moves to his own bed, slipping off his shoes as he goes. He throws off his jeans and shirt to slip under the covers. The light breathing from across the room lulls him to sleep, Violetta always on his mind, even in his dreams.

Living With My Crush - LeonettaUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum