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Long silence hangs in the air as Leon waits for her response. She gently lets her legs fall back on the ground, crowding into Leon's space. She places her arms around his shoulders and leans her head along with it.

"What did you say when she told you."

"Nothing. I just kind of sat there in stunned silence." The feeling of her head moving up and down is felt on his shoulder.

"How do you feel about her?"

"Considering I'm with you, I'd say there's nothing there." She chuckles, running her hand up and down his arm.

"Nothing at all?"

"I tried to fall for her, to get you off my mind, but it didn't really work. She's just not you." Her arms tighten around him and Leon pecks her forehead. "I really hurt her feelings today when I told her I was dating you." She nuzzles her head into the crook of his neck.

"She must hate me then, but I'm not exactly her biggest fan either." Leon meets her gaze as she reaches a hand up to his cheek. "When we ran into her at the library, I was jealous of how easily she had captured your attention."

"You were busy with your search."

"I know, but I didn't think you'd pass the time by chatting up another girl. It's stupid, but I just really like having your attention. Makes me think I'm the only girl in your world."

"You are the only girl in my world." She blushes as she connects their lips in a tender kiss. "Still, what am I supposed to do about this? I honestly don't want to lose her friendship." Violetta exhales, pushing her legs over Leon's so she rests on his lap.

"I'd like to say you could just talk to her, but knowing how she feels, she'll probably want to avoid you forever. She's not taking this lightly and it might take some time before you can ever get back to how you were, if ever." Leon figured it might have to be this way. He's going to have to wait around again until she comes to him because trying to push her into talking will only result in more evading.

"Guess I'll wait then."

The waiting game is tough. Leon is always on edge in the classes they have together, wondering if it'll finally be the day she speaks to him. The day goes by without so much as a word and Leon is left to play again tomorrow. She's taking longer to work up the nerve, since she's been avoiding Leon like the plague. Leon can see she's hurting, but there's not much he can do.

He can't really return her feelings because he's already in love with someone else. He wished it hadn't come to this, that she hadn't grown to like him. He should have warned her, told her that falling for him was going to get her nowhere. Some part of him tells him that maybe she knew, but chose to go on anyway. Another part tells him that she shouldn't; have strung her on. He didn't do it outright, but he did do it.

Days eventually turned into weeks and finals were right around the corner. Leon had been holed up in his room for most of the week, only ever leaving for classes. He and Violetta would share the floor, sometimes lying next to each other or over each other as they studied. It was the only time they had together. Lara still hadn't come around and Leon was giving up hope. He lost a friendship in his first year of college, not really what he wanted in the first year.

"Good luck today." Violetta says, planting a soft kiss on Leon's lips. Leon gave her one right back.

"Same goes for you, ace all those finals." They broke apart once out the door, Leon going to his lecture hall while Violetta went to hers. The last day of finals was upon them and Leon was so thankful. Break would be coming up after and Leon planned a sort of holiday for him and Violetta. He was excited for it.

Inside his criminal law course, students are cramming in last minute notes or chapters from the book. Leon is thankful that he reread last night or else he would be like the rest, scribbling furiously to try and memorize key ideas. It was too much stress for him. He chooses the seat at the front, the same place he's been sitting since he and Lara haven't been on speaking terms. It's better this way, less awkward encounters when finding a seat. He places his pens on the desk, mindlessly tapping a rhythm as he waits for the final minutes to tick down before the exam. Just as he's mentally stabilized himself for the test, someone is sitting next to him.

"We should talk." Are the only words that leave her mouth before the instructor comes in, ordering all cellphones be turned off. She doesn't remain in the seat next to him, moving back a few rows to give him space for the exam. Even with the space, Leon feels like he could die right now. Of all times, she chooses now, the minute before the exam. Leon had known she wasn't like other girls.

The exam goes as well as it can, Leon's mind preoccupied with whether or not Lara and him would be speaking after it. At first, it seems like she might run, ebbing the first one out of the classroom. However, she was waiting beside the door as Leon exited, her hand catching his arm. She nods to the side and Leon follows her to wherever it is she wants to go. Her feet carry her, not her eyes. She's not even once looking up as they zip through the halls, Leon wondering how the heck she's finding her way.

Abruptly, her strides end and they're left standing before a door that is unfamiliar to Leon. The door creaks as it opens, revealing a room filled with instruments. A piano rests in the center. Chairs are spread out around it. A music room, that's obvious enough.

"Let's talk."


Living With My Crush - LeonettaWhere stories live. Discover now