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Four days ago, Leon would have laughed in anyone's face if they had said he would become friends with Violetta. Except now, as they walk next to each other, Leon would beg to differ. This is the second time since the sandwich shop that they've done something together. Violetta had waltzed into the room and asked if Leon wanted to go with her to the library, her reason for him tagging along was so that he could help her carry some books. Being that Leon would literally do anything for her, he jumped out of his bed to trail after her like a love sick puppy.

Somehow they managed to hold a steady conversation the whole walk there, Leon even managing to talk more than he had at the shop. It felt right to be like this with her. Entering the library, the silence of it all had them shutting up, Violetta quietly making her way to the front desk with Leon right behind her. She asked the librarian for the entrepreneur section which she very slowly searched through her computer for. Leon swore she was some kind of sloth what with the way she typed with only one finger and how she had to keep pushing her glasses up every five seconds.

Finally, she told Violetta that the books could be found in the last row on the right. She thanks the old timer and heads over, Leon already falling into step with her. They reach the last row and Violetta slows her pace, skirting over the titles until she reaches something she's interested in. Leon knew he'd be left out as she searched through, so he skims through the books on the other side to occupy himself. Perusing through, his hand goes out to a book he thinks might entertain him, only for the book to disappear before his eyes. He furrows his brows as he follows the hand that reached for the book before him to find Lara standing in front of him. She smiles sweetly which has Leon smiling in return.

"I was going to read that."

"Were you?" She replies. Leon hasn't had a chance to hang out with Lara since they had lunch the other day because of all the hectic studying. Seeing her again makes him happy, yet still not in the way seeing Violetta does. "Engineering for Dummies. Didn't know you were studying to be an engineer."

"I'm not, I was just trying to keep busy." He notices how much closer Lara is and he can't remember having moved forward, so she must have inched closer. He takes a step back.

"Why were you trying to keep busy in a library? Aren't libraries supposed to be for studying?"

"Yeah, But I'm here with a friend." At the word friend, Violetta makes her presence know, coming up behind Leon with a few books.

"Mind holding these for me?" She says, dropping the books into Leon's awaiting hands. Lara is the one that steps back this time, staring at Violetta oddly. Her gaze has shifted, the way it does when she enters a classroom.

"This your friend?" She says, the tone in her voice different from when she first started talking to Leon. It's bitter almost resentful and Leon wonders why that is.

"His friend and roommate." Violetta supplies and Lara takes another step back as she crosses her arms.

"Oh the roommate." Leon's eyes widen as he wills Lara not to say anything about their lunch conversation, silently pleading in his head that she get the message. She gets the message alright, nodding and completely ignoring the subject. "Nice to meet you then. I have some homework to finish, so I'll see you around." She only addresses the statement to Leon as she walks off, not sparing a second glance to Violetta as she walks away.

"Who was she?" Violetta asks, already ambling her way back to the books. Leon goes with her, leaning against the shelf she's currently searching through.

"A friend of mine, we have some classes together." She nods her head very slowly, like she's trying to decide whether it's true or not. It stays silent in the already silent library as she continues her search, Leon waiting by her side. Books upon books are piled in his arms and he manages to carry them firmly as they check them out and head back to the dorm.

Leon has a feeling that something is wrong with Violetta. Her usually cheery attitude has vanished and Leon thinks it had something to do with Lara. He's not sure why it would have to do with Lara, since Violetta doesn't know her as anything other than his friend, unless she does and they have some kind of awful history together. Though judging by their encounter earlier, he wouldn't assume they had met. There were no signs of recognition on either of the faces. If he remembers correctly, their faces were both blank. The more he thinks he understands girls, the less he actually does.

Arriving back at the dorm, Violetta has Leon place the books on her desk before she's telling Leon she has to go to an evening class. She thanks him for his help and is then out the door. Leon stares at the closed door for a few minutes, wondering why she seemed like she was in a such a hurry to leave. He swears girls get more confusing by the minute.

First, it was with Lara and not totally understanding why she's perky one minute and cold the next. Now, it's Violetta, going from chirpy to shy in the span of ten minutes. He can't understand either of them and he really wishes he could.

His phone showcases the time, still being too early for Leon to catch some shut eye. Since he's alone, he might as well make the most of his time. He dials the first person that comes to mind when he needs advice.


"Andres, want to come over?" 

Living With My Crush - LeonettaWhere stories live. Discover now