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Crickets chirp in the darkness, the moonlight the only source of light in the room. Violetta has long gone to sleep, leaving Leon to figure out his situation with Federico. They arranged it so he sleeps the right way on the bed, Federico sleeping the wrong way so his head rests by Leon's feet. Len has remained as still as he can be, not wanting to accidently kick him in the face.

The early hours of the dark morning are coming and he knows he should get some sleep if he plans to be ready for tomorrow, but he can't catch a break. Federico is quite literally all up in his space and he feels like any minute now, he might crack. He might go absolutely wild, and scream his lungs out with frustration. He settles with turning away, his body almost hanging off his bed. It's going to be a tough night.

He manages to sleep for an hour before noises are waking him up; Leon sits up in bed to inspect. Federico is turned away, a light flashing from in front of him. The bright cellphone light blinds Leon for a moment as he tries to figure out if Federico is awake or not. He moves further on the bed to look closer.

"I'm awake if that was what you were wondering about." Leon jumps back, head hitting the wall behind him. Federico chuckles as Leon rubs his head, mimicking Leon and sitting up in bed.

"Why are you awake?" Leon questions, barely registering that it's only early morning and he probably won't get much sleep.

"I had to go to the bathroom and when I came back, I couldn't go back to sleep so I was checking my phone." Seeing as Federico appears to be wide awake, he doesn't think he'll go back to sleep anytime soon. "Why are you awake?"

"I was having trouble falling asleep." Federico sheepishly nods as he tucks his phone behind him.

"Sorry to keep you up, I know you have school tomorrow." Leon shrugs like it isn't a big deal eve when he knows that he'll be incredibly tired tomorrow and most likely cranky from the lack of sleep.

"It's whatever man." The room goes back to silent, Leon's eyes slowly closing in what he hopes will be deep sleep. No such luck.

"You know, I see the way you look at her." Leon's eyes shoot open, slumber the last thing on his mind.


"I see the way you look at Violetta. I can tell you're into her, man."

"Me? Into her, no way." He's waving his arms in front of him to decline whatever Federico is thinking up because the last thing he needs is Federico ganging up on him.

"Don't deny it, man. It's super obvious." Leon hesitates in his movements, biting on his bottom lip to keep some sanity. If Federico can see he has feelings for her, then Violetta must see it too, right? And if that's true, then he's honestly so embarrassed.

"Is it that obvious?"

"You have no idea. I'm surprised she hasn't noticed." Good, she hasn't suspected a thing. All of a sudden, the realization of their conversation has Leon staring over at Federico who has a coy smile on his face.

"You aren't mad?"

"Why would I be mad?" Federico asks, regarding Leon with interest.

"Well, because- you guys are- uh- you know." He hopes that the tone of his voice is sufficient for Federico and he can piece the words together without Leon having to tell him. Doesn't seem like he's getting it when he only raises a brow, his smirk growing.

"We're what?" There's a hint of laughter and Leon feels like an idiot, discussing this topic when he's not sure if what he was thinking was correct.

"Aren't you and Violetta- like- dating?" Federico cackles, actually cackles, hand pressing on his stomach and mouth as to not wake up Violetta. His fits of laughter have Leon blushing in mortification. This was not what he expected of this conversation.

"Me," His breaths come out in pants as he continues his sentence. "And Violetta? No, that would be wrong. She's my cousin." ...

Leon groans in shame, covering his flaming face with a pillow. He was so, so wrong. This moment is possibly the most embarrassing moment in his life. Assuming to quickly and now having to have this awkward conversation with Federico is life-shattering. He's scarred for life with shame and regret.

"I'm an idiot." Leon mumbles into the pillow. He doesn't think Federico heard, but he did.

"Not going to deny that." He says. Leon throws the pillow off, sitting back against the headboard again. "Is that why you were weird around me- because you thought I was competition?" Leon apologetically nods, Federico shaking his head.

"Man, you really should have asked. Besides, I have a girlfriend, who would literally skin me alive if she ever thought I was cheating on her." That eases Leon's original apprehension, shoulders slowly relaxing.

"Sorry, for being rude, I just got a bit jealous."

"A bit. I could feel the hate on the back of my head." Leon winces as he thinks about the times he pelted Federico with hateful glares.

"Sorry." Federico shakes his head again, his smile coming back as he leans a little closer.

"Don't worry about it; just know that I think you should go for it."

"You think I should ask Violetta out?" Those were never words he imagined would leave Federico's mouth. Violetta's cousin thinks he has a chance. It's some reassurance.

"Definitely. I mean people would usually advise you against dating a roommate, but with the way you look at her, I'd say that's next to impossible. There is no way you would last this entire year without at least trying your luck." Federico is seeing right through him and it's nice to have someone else to talk to about this.

"What if she says no?"

"Then she says no, although, I don't think she will. I'll let you in on a little secret." He beckons Leon closer, whispering the next words to him with a gentle smile. "She talks about you a lot."

"Really?" Federico nods and Leon grins at the thought. She talks about him, to other people and by the way Federico has said it, it's not in a bad way. So maybe she does care a little more than she lets on.

"Give it a shot, you won't regret it." 

Living With My Crush - LeonettaWhere stories live. Discover now