Of Baseballs and Weak Knees

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Acacia's P.O.V

The crisp white and green walls that lined the almost empty hall echoed Calix and Julius' voices as they sang not so harmonically behind the bleached blonde's head.

"Hey batter batter, hey batter batter swiiing!" sang Julius.

"I got to just do my thing!" responded Calix still singing.Aloud CRACK is heard. The ball goes flying and hits home.It is then apparent that week knees are present.The nerdy girl goes head over heels for the blonde dude. Literally. Julius and Calix do a little happy clap dance that would be strange for normal boys but not unordinary for this weird pair.

"And the crowd goes wild." announces Calix.

"Ya'll are so pathetic..." I said shaking my heas as I made my presence known. "I could have had her heart skipping 2 beats -not one two- in 2 seconds ! and ya'll had to go almost kill the girl with a BASEBALL!" Persephone' ranted.

"But as you can see, " started Calix.

"We've got everything under control," completed Julius. They didn't , soon the girl is surrounded by paremedics and friends .Who were hovering over her; she was unconscious. " Okay so not COMPLETELY under control...." said Calix. , "But atleast she's got the guy.." She didn't , he had moved on in 2-2's and didn't even bother to check up on her.

"But we STILL got SKILLS." Julius said accusingly. "Ya'll know better than this Professor B. gave us alternatives to baseballs!" I reprimanded.

"Actually I think we skipped that period," said Calix casually.

"Yeah," started Julius , "Professor Bird was boring my brains out!" Persephone' gives them the you are so pathetic look i.e : pursed lips, a head shake and an eyerollwith her orange eyes.

"Comment reserved," I teased and started to walk away. "Come on Caci," he said, getting on his his knees and grabbing my retreating feet. "I can't live without you!"

"You'll survive." I smirked. He got off his knees and leaned into my ear, his breath tickling my earlobe. 'Not after last night I won't," he whispered huskily. My eyes opened wide and I felt my face getting a deep shade of crimson. "You see," he continued, "I could live without you. It'd be hard, but I'd survive because I wouldn't know what I was missing.But I do know what I'd be missing out on, and it's a whole lot." he chuckled and I blushed deeper. "So no, I cannot survive without you." he completed his little speech with a soft kiss on the lips that made my knees weak.

"Well, we'll go to your funeral," I shot back, trying to sound confident. My voice betrayed my lust for him. He detected this and smirked against my lips.

Calix opened his mouth to probably tell us to get a room when his montre de amour buzzed. "Guys, we're being summoned." he said, while looking down at his montre de amour. Persephone and I laughed.

"No seriously, we have to go." Julius confirmed.

"I TOLD you they'd find out!" Persephone jabbed Calix in his chest with her finger.

"Whatever. We gotta go!" he resembled a stubborn, spoilt little girl; eyes wide, lips in a pout, hands folded defiantly across his muscular chest. Woah! Usually Calix was the last one to want to willingly attend a meeting with the superiors. He usually had to be dragged kicking and screaming.Literally. Everyone stared at Calix as if he had grown two heads. Persephone rushed to him and put her hand to his forehead then ran her hands all down his body, avoiding his crotch on the way down.

"Are you okay?" Do you feel nauseous? Are you tingling in ANY WAY?" Persephone questioned quickly. Calix blushed bright red before stating boldly, "I'm feeling a little faint." He put his hand over his eye and dramatically fell against a door marked "Science Lab". "Could you just maybe...kiss it better?" he whispered hoarsely, a sly smirk on his handsome face.

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