Of Witnesses and Therapy

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Anika lay on her hospital bed,aggravated.Why did no one believe her ?The docters thought she was crazy,her parents believed she was delusional,and her friends-well only one of these she cared about was Skyler and she had moved last week.The only person that believed her was ... herself.

"I'm telling you!"she pleaded.Her head hurt like a hangover,but she tried her best to ignore it. "I.WAS.HIT!"

  Her mother rolled her eyes to the ceiling,obliviously annoyed with her youngest daughter.

The docter wiped his hand over his face and smiled a sugarcoated smile.'How did you know you were hit ?"he asked,his voice laced with  fakeness.

Anika resisted the urge to roll her eyes and gave him back the same smile calorie for calorie."That I don't understand"she said.Her mother turned her head disgusted.Anika felt a pang at her mother's rejection, but she squashed it down,figuring she should be used to it by now."I was walking down the hallway and all of a sudden.I felt this force and I was knocked to the ground." She left out the part where before she blacked out she caught a glimpse of a deviously handsome boy wearing a beanie and a girl with orange eyes shrieking in anger.Nope,if she told them that she'd  go straight to the loony bin for sure.

  Her parents looked at each other and then at their scarlet haired daughter, their faces unsure.Her father was obliviously worried for her daughter,for love was evident in his eyes.In her mothers whoever,there lay a boiling pot of disgust,contempt and repulsion,resent and ...hatred?Anika felt ehr eyes water as she came to a shocking realisation."No!"she thought,shaking her ead furiously,as if that would dislodge the horrid thought."No.She loves me !"

 She had been so caught up in her inner rage of emotions that she had not noticed that the doctors were all staring at her as if she was crazy.

"Mom,Dad you believe me right??" she avoided her mothers glare and looked at her father's baby blues instead.He did not.Anika slammed her head aginst the pillow in frustation.She looked up when she heard the  nurse talking about a shrink.She was about to protest she considered this as  punishment,when she saw something that made her shut up.

It was the boy from earlier with the beanie,behind her parents,and the girl with the orange eyes.Accompanying them was an equally entrancing male with striking grey eyes and a stunning girl with purple eyes next to him.Of less good looks was a short balding man with pointy ,elf-like ears.The boy with the beanie smirked smugly before he snapped something closed and disappeared.

  "Maybe I am going crazy."she mumbled to herself.Quite frankly what stunned her was that her imagination could come up with  such beautiful people.It seemed dormant before.

The nurses came in and whisked her away to the X-ray room.She closed her eyes and tried to picture the beautiful people again but it was as if her imagination had choosen that time to fail because all she was seeing was blackness. 

"Can you explain to me again how it felt before you fell?" The therapist asked.The same plastic smile had been plastered on her face for the last half an hour.Anika wondered if her muscles were not tired yet.For the fifteenth time Anika sighed in exasperation."I''ve told you  a million times"she said. "I was walking down the hall before Chemistry when I felt a force like a ball ,crash into the back of my knees and I fell."

 Dr.Hemap's smile tightened,if that was possible.She looked down at her notes."The people watching you said that your knees buckled and you fell"

 For the twentieth time Anika rolled her eyes."My knees buckled because someone hit me with a fucking baseball!"She threw her hands up in the air grabbed her cruthches and stood up.

"Anika there is no need to swear.I understand you may be a little aggravated or irritated ,now but lets just calm down and focus on getting to the bottom of this." said Dr. Hemap.

 Anika said nothing.She had learned to stay quiet in moments like this but for some reason her mouth chose to go against all she stood for ."Before,Before I blacked out I saw a boy wearing a beanie and a girl bright orange eyes."She closed her eyes awiting a response.When she heard nothing she reopened her eys to see the therapist staring back at  her ,mouth open in shock.

"Uh..Um I'll be right back."said daughter Hemap hesitantly.The lady slowly got out of her chair,stepping back slowly staring at Anika intently.She gave Anika one last glance before rushing out of the room as if her life was being put at risk.Maybe it was ? thought Anika to her self. "Maybe I am going crazy." she mumbled before closing her eyes and falling into an uneasy sleep.



Looks like Anika might be sent to the loony bin.The debate is still on Hector David jr/Arthur Sales for Calix.Vote but for now enjoy :D If there are errors sorry it isnt edited yet

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