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I exit the airport, the surprisingly cool, Charlotte air hits my face, and I kind of smile. A taxi stops in front of me with a blonde lady in it,"Need a ride?" She smiles.

I smile back politely,"I do." I say. I hop in and she looks at me,"Where to?" She asks. Her voice was chipper, her hair was pin straight. She was naturally beautiful.

"Uh... I believe the Westin Charlotte Hotel." I say. She nods,"It's not too far from here." She says as she pulls out of the airport parking lot.

"How old are you? If you don't mind me asking." She asks, looking at me through the mirror.

"I just turned fifteen two days ago." I say as I stare out the window.

"Traveling on your own? Aren't you a little young?" She asks, cocking an eyebrow. I chuckle at her curiosity,"I am, but I'm here for a meet and greet." I say.

She nods, stopping the car in front of a large building. She smiles,"Here it is. The Westin Charlotte Hotel." She says. I pay her the amount I owe and grab my bags.

"Thank you. Have a nice day." I smile. She smiles back,"You as well."

I look up at the building as she drives off. It was tall. Very tall.

I take a deep breath, closing my eyes.

"Alaska Giovanello?" Someone says. I open my eyes and see a man holding a hotel door card. I look over at him,"That's me." I say.

He leads me through the front doors and hands me my room card, telling me all about this place. I just smiled and nodded. 'Ohed' and 'awed' as he spoke about the luxuries of the hotel.

I really didn't care, to be honest. I didn't care what hotel I stayed in. I just wanted to interact with my supporters face to face and not over a screen.

"Thank you." I smile and I hurry into the elevator before he can say anything else. I press my floor button, taking a deep breath.

I was nervous. More nervous than when I was at home. My palms are sweaty. My knees are weak, and I just felt this weight on my shoulders. Fear and nervousness. I could feel that I was just going to embarrass myself in front of them.

The elevator ride seemed too short. The doors opened and I took in a sharp breath when I saw a bunch a boys running around and screaming.

I stepped out of the elevator. The bunch of boys was the boys I would be with for 4 days. I gulp and just continue walking down the hallway.

And then they notice me. Their faces light up,"You're Alaska Giovanello! Right?" Weston asks. I was completely frozen. Just play it cool, Lask.

"That's me. You know the name suits me pretty well. I'm cold and no one likes me." I say. They all stared at me for a minute. I mentally face palm myself. You're so stupid, Alaska. That wasn't even a good once. No self high five for you.

But then they all crack a smile and some small laughs, and then, they burst out laughing really hard.

I crack a smile, even laughing a little bit.

"You're funny. You should come over tonight. We're getting PIZZA.... and watching movies so..." Weston says, over emphasizing 'pizza'

"Alright. I'll be over." I smile.

Blake smiles at me, and I blush slightly.

"See you in a little." Blake says as they all walk into their hotel room. I blushed even more and walked over to my hotel room door. I unlock it and immediately sit down, writing a quote:

"Do the thing you fear, and continue to do so. This is the quickest and surest way of all victory over fear."
                - Dale Carnegie

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