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My eyes fluttered open from the feeling of soft lips trailing slow and gentle kisses down my neck.

I smiled pushing Blake,"It's too early for this." I chuckle at the beautiful boy laying next to me. He yawns, laying his head on my stomach, his arms hugging my leg. He looked peaceful, and happy at that. A small smile formed on his lips, and his eyes were shut in a relaxing way. He was, in fact, very very handsome.

"Back to Houston today." He says kissing my tummy. I get the chills and butterflies erupt in my stomach. I find it amazing that even with the littlest touch and effort, he can make me feel this way. I giggle,"Yep yep yep."

He sighs heavily,"Your house or my house when we get back?"

I giggle, running my fingers through his bed head hair,"You should go to yours, and I'll go to mine."

Blake was awfully funny and great company, but I hadn't seen my mom in awhile. We had catching up to do and he had to see his family, too.

He whines,"But . . . But—"

"You need to spend time with your family as do I, silly. You can come over later."

"Later is too far away, how will I survive?" He says giving me puppy eyes. I giggle again,"You act like we're a thousand miles apart, when really your like down the street."

"Feels like a thousand miles." He mumbles under his breath.

I wiggle my leg to get up and Blake  whines,"No."

"What do you mean no?! I have to pack my stuff." I say sitting up. His head rested on my thigh and I shiver from his cold cheek against my skin.

"Nooooooo!" He whines even louder.

"You're such a three year old." I say. I wiggle my leg again. Blake refuses.

"Blake. Seriously." I say, and I start wiggling my leg again. Blake huffs, and kisses my thigh. I get a tingling feeling and he lets me go.

"Thank you honey." I sing to him. He groans rolling over on his stomach. I roll my eyes and change into leggings and a hoodie. I pulled my hair from its bun and brushed it out. It's didn't look bad, but it didn't look good either.

Blake groans again,"Cold." He says.

I giggle and walk over to the bed. I straddle his back and lay my chest against his back. He smiles,"Not cold."

I giggle and kiss his temple. He hums,"Good morning baby girl."

"Good morning baby." I reply sweetly as I trace my fingers on his shoulder. He smiles, closing his eyes.

"Blake. Don't you fall asleep. You need to pack your things." I say. He flips me into my back and nuzzles his face in the crook of my neck,"five more minutes, princess." He says, his toned arms wrapping around my petite waist.

"Fine, five minutes." I giggle and I could feel his smile grow. He places a soft kiss on my neck and his breath tickles my neck.

"What I wouldn't give to do this all day, everyday." Blake says, biting the skin on my neck.

"Hey, teeth to yourself, Gray." I joke. He chuckles, rubbing his nose against my skin, and letting out a breath.

"Your five minutes are up. Come on. Out of bed sleepy head!" I say, jumping up. Blake sat up quickly after, I was looking out of the huge window in the hotel room. It was beautiful. The sun was shining brightly and it was just  happy. I sighed in happiness. I turned around only to see Blake sitting back on his hands staring at me in such a dreamy way. Heat rises to my cheeks and I laugh nervously,"What?" I ask batting my long lashes at him.

"You are — so insanely gorgeous — it blows my mind. You honestly take my breath away, Alaska." Blake muses. I blush even more.

"Thank you." I say quietly. I walked closer to him, but apparently I wasn't close enough. Blake reached out, his hand cupping the back of my thigh and he pulled me closer to him. My hands cupped his cheeks and I rubbed his cheek as he looked up at me. I smiled at him. I was so incredibly lucky to have a guy as great as Blake Gray.

"I love you." Blake whispered, resting his forehead against my stomach as I played with the hair at the nape of his neck.

"I love you."

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