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The sun was bright, and the hotel room was cool. I fluttered my eyes open, and shut them quickly from how bright the sun was. I squirm around to face the wall, but it wasn't the wall I faced... It was a sleeping Blake. His hair was all frothed around and messy. His lips parted slightly, and his arm was around my waist.

I wrapped my arms around him, sticking my head in the crook of his neck and tangling my legs with his. I could feel a small smile grow on his gorgeous features, and he pulled me in closer to his body so there was no space between the two of us. I didn't want to wake up to anything else, other than this.

"Good morning sunshine." Blake whispered. I giggled, biting down on my bottom lip. His voice was deep and groggy from sleeping. It was cute, I have to admit,"Good morning."

He chuckles, his chest vibrating against mine,"Meet and greet day, and then it's back to Houston for us." He says, sounding relieved. I moved out of his grip and off of the bed. He whine, reaching his arms out for me like a 3 year old would reach up so someone would hold them.

I giggled,"You're so cute."

"Come back, baby girl. I miss you already." Blake whines again. I roll my eyes,"Cuddle with the pillow. I need to start getting ready."

I quickly grab the outfit I'm going to wear, my body wash and whatever else I needed. I turn to Blake,"Don't go anywhere, handsome." I giggle.

"Wouldn't dream of it, gorgeous." He winks. I blush, rushing into the bathroom. I hopped in the shower, and washed up quickly, shaving my legs perfectly. I hop out, drying myself off and then I start the pain staking process of my blow drying my hair. That took like 40 minutes, I swear.

I ended up braiding my hair in the end. I slipped on my cute sunflower dress, adding a belt around the waist, and my grey vans. I apply winged eyeliner and mascara to finish off my getting ready process and finally I step out of the bathroom.

"I could have sworn you were in there for — whoa." Blake says, staring at me. I smile,"I just bought it, isn't it cute?" I say, spinning around. I pull at my skirt, looking over my shoulder and batting my thick long lashes at him. He licks his lips,"It's cute, but it looks better on you." He says.

"Thank you, Blake." I chuckle. He sits up as I sit on the bed. He smiles at me,"I have a surprise for you." Blake smiles brightly. I scoot closer to him,"What is it?"

"You'll see."

"Life is full of surprises, and the best ones are worth waiting for"

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