Time To Fly

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A.N: Hi there, thank you for checking out this story so far!

I really appreciate any comments received, I haven't written a story like this before so it's very exciting but also very new, so any feedback is fantastic.



"Nathan, you can't actually be serious, right?"
James gaped, jaw hanging by his feet as his impossibly tall friend smiled down at him smugly.
"Oh yes, I'm serious, J. These tickets are 100% legit and we are going on a 2 month long adventure!"

He wasn't sure why he was even surprised considering it was Nathan, a 27 year old BBC News cameraman who had an infamous talent for getting into impossible situations, but he was still standing in awe as his friend proudly boasted over not one, but two free tickets to New York grasped in his massive fist.

Nathan 'Nate' Taylor had been meaning to drag James out on an adventure recently, their last escapade had been almost a year ago, when they went to France and got lost for 3 days. All James did nowadays was either fuss over the dogs at his kennel or beam at his phone while he was texting, a pattern that Nate decided was simply too boring to allow any further.
So, with his best trousers on (the tan ones that made his ass look simply spectacular), Nathan had flirted his way into his middle-aged female boss' good side and emerged with some tickets to their latest adventure.

"My boss' excuse was that there's a big celebrity charity event going on over there that needed more cameramen on hand, but we all know it's because she couldn't resist my pretty face." Nate smirked, as he sashayed into his room to get his equipment together.
"By the way, I called your work and cleared it already, we're leaving in 2 hours so get packing."

Still twitching in slight shock, James finally scraped together some brain cells to respond.
"Someday, she's gonna figure out how gay you are and I'll laugh you all the way into the unemployment office." He snarked and hurried into his room.
It was typical of Nate to spring something like this on him, it was one of the many reasons they were so close, but TWO HOURS to pack and board a plane? If he didn't pay half the rent, James would've killed him by now.


One hour and forty-five minutes later, exhausted business men and excitable families waiting for their flights, had to dive out the way to avoid the two-man stampede that charged past them.

Polished brown business shoes tapped a hard and rapid symphony in time with steel-toed leather boots as Nate and James sprinted to their plane, with only 15 minutes to sort out their seats and tickets.

"MOVE OUT THE WAY PEASANTS, IF WE MISS THIS FLIGHT I WILL FIND YOU AND EAT YOU" Nate bellowed as he hefted his suitcase over his head, vaulting over an old man tying his shoes. James gaped after his friend, his heavy boots slowing him down slightly as he darted around a giggling mass of tanned teen girls, no doubt on their way back from holiday.
"Stop threatening old people, you'll get arrested before you can even get your fat ass on the plane!" James gasped, barely keeping up with the seething mass of rage that Nate was at that point.

"IT'S NOT FAT, IT'S MUSCLE" Nate screamed back, as at last he slammed into the air hostess' podium, nearly knocking it over, along with the poor woman herself.
They'd managed to make the flight just in time thanks to their last minute marathon, and were ushered into their seats just minutes before take-off.

Face red and legs shaking from exhaustion, James quickly dropped into a deep sleep, completely unaware that in his suitcase, his phone was blowing up with a steadily growing list of missed texts that would only get longer through the 8 hour flight to America.

Take It Slow [Sebastian Stan - M/M]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें