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A/N: You're gonna like the next chapter lmao


Chris watched, amused, as Sebastian strolled his way over to them, only picking up his pace once he noticed his close friend behind the velvet ropes.

He vaguely thought about teasing the pair over how quickly they went in for a hug, but quickly decided against it, not failing to notice the group of girls surrounding James already taking photos of their interaction.

He grimaced as he led Sebastian back towards the event's entrance, knowing that those photos weren't going to help any rumours that may rise, but he figured that Seb could handle the gossip. He always did after all.


"Jesus, I thought those girls would never leave you alone," Nathan laughed as they squeezed their way into the main event hall, flashing their passes to security.
"They wouldn't even give us room to breathe! No thanks to that smog of make-up they'd submerged themselves in."

James wrinkled his nose in distaste, the girls from before leaving him in a particularly foul mood.
Not only had they smothered him in perfume and make-up for a good couple of hours, but they'd also had a bitch-fit at him for talking to Evans 'the wrong way', and had the nerve to start harassing him for the celebrity's phone number once they figured out he knew him.

Needless to say, he was ready to go home.

Which meant that his mood only sunk further as they stepped into the event hall of the theatre, an impressive ballroom with a high and intricately-painted ceiling, complete with a chandelier that was probably worth more than James' actual life.
The centre of the floor was reserved for dancing, though no one graced the floor yet, preferring to socialise and eat first.
To the left of the entrance stood the buffet, branching all the way across the massive room, piled so high with fanciful foods that James feared for the poor tables' legs.
To their right was a small army of large tables, each with room to seat at least six.
And on the wall across from them, past the dance floor, stood a luxurious stage, currently home to an orchestra that almost seemed to sway along to their own symphony.

James had never felt more uncomfortable in his life.


Sebastian jumped as he felt something smack his arm.
"Stop it, you're doing it again." Chris stage-whispered from beside him.
"Doing what?" Sebastian grumbled, closing his eyes as he lifted his hand to rub the bridge of his nose.
"Looking around at J, you're supposed to be paying attention!"

And it was true, he was supposed to be paying attention to the event host's speech.
But Sebastian found that it was incredibly hard to focus when out the corner of his eye, he could just about spot James and Nathan in the corner, bickering over a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors, slapping at each other's hands as they-

"OW," Sebastian yelped, moving himself away from Chris' slapping hands. "Stop that!"
"Then stop making goo-goo eyes at your boyfriend over there, and pay attention!"
Sebastian sputtered out an offended grumble before settling back in his seat.
So what if he was watching his friend a lot.
Friends can stare at each other for a while, can't they?

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