He Used To Be In The 'Arm'y

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"Put that down man, you don't know what you're doing!" Sebastian cried, eyes watching the other man carefully.

"Back the fuck up, man! I'm warning you, I'm armed!" James roared back from on top of the table, body tense and waiting to attack.

"You're gonna regret this, James, that's not a threat, it's a fact." Sebastian warned, eyes trained on the heavy metal object clutched in James' hands.

"That does it! You're dead meat pal-"

"What the hell is going on in here?"

Chris Evans' nose wrinkled in confusion as he stood in the doorway, observing as Sebastian tried to snatch his metal arm prop back from James, who had climbed onto a table to evade him.

Sebastian took the moment of distraction to steal his arm back, receiving a puppy-eyed pout from James in return.
He'd thought it was a good idea to let James visit him on set today, thinking he'd be mature and maybe even shy around all the other celebrities. Three hours of terrible arm-related puns later, he was almost regretting inviting him.

James grinned down at Chris with a winning smile, having already been introduced to him earlier in the day.
"We were just having a bit of fun! We weren't doing any 'arm', right?" His dark eyes watched Chris giddily, waiting for him to respond to his supposedly fantastic humour.

"... Oh that was just awful." Chris shut his eyes in false pain, trying not to smile since he knew it only encouraged him. Sebastian didn't even bother replying, only releasing a long-suffering sigh before sitting down to put on his metal arm.

"Say what you want, I know I'm hilarious." James smiled, hopping down from the table to help adjust Seb's costume.
He was pretty damn excited to be seeing THE Bucky costume on THE set of Captain America: Civil War, but he wasn't about to admit it with an already smug Sebastian within earshot.
James had already embarrassed himself thoroughly when he was introduced to Scarlett Johansson earlier in the day and nearly cried over how pretty she was in person.

But what he was looking forward to the most today, was that he was going to see Sebastian Stan, the utter dork, in character as Bucky Barnes.
Not that he'd ever, ever, ever admit it to Seb, but Bucky was his number one Marvel crush in the entire film series. Not even Captain America could beat him on James' list, though he was a close second.

Because of that, it was pretty easy to understand why James was so extremely content in his seat right in-between the two fully-costumed super-soldiers.

"Cap and Bucky on set in two minutes!" A voice called from outside the room.

James beamed at the other men, waving them off like a proud mother at her kid's first school play.
"Go, go! Make papa proud!" He joked, pretending to wipe a tear away. Sebastian laughed and waved back as he left, feeling himself get into character.


'Holy shit, don't even think about it.'

'Hooooly shit, don't you dare cry.'

James sat stiffly near the camera man as they shot the last scene. He'd been trying very, very hard not to shout and cheer during the action scenes, caught up in the moment as Natasha and Bucky fought, the quickly executed moves thrilling to watch, even though they were only acting.

But now he was just trying not to burst into tears as he watched the agonisingly sad ending scene with Bucky and Steve, frantically rubbing at his eyes to keep them dry.
But when Bucky's wide, scared eyes turned from Steve Rogers in thought, they happened to land on him instead. And the full force of those sad, blue eyes on him ruined his emotions on the spot, and he felt his own eyes well up with manly tears.

He'd always been a weakling for sad scenes in movies.
You should've seen him after Marley & Me.

The scene ended there and Sebastian quickly stood up from the medical gurney he was sat on and hurried his way over to his suddenly upset friend.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, what happened J?" He tried to calm him, unsure what brought this on.

James looked up at him, eyes shiny, all manly-pride gone and his nose about to leak.
"I-it, it was j-just so-o sad! Look at yo-your little face, it w-was so sc-scared and sad, and- and- oh Bucky noooo-o-o!"

Unsure whether to laugh like he desperately wanted to, or continue comforting him, Sebastian settled for fondly patting his taller friend's head with a grin as James clung to his metal arm, as though he could protect him from all the horrors in the world simply by holding on tight enough.

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