A Face In The Crowd

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"I can't believe you're dragging me to this shit." James scowled, adjusting his suit yet again as the BBC News van rumbled it's way through New York.

"Well I know for a fact that if I left you at the hotel, all you'd do the whole night is eat my food and watch porn." Nathan smiled back, flicking his eyes over briefly before focusing on the road again.
"... You say that like it's a bad thing."

The celebrity charity event Nathan had been sent to photograph and film was tonight, and he's decided it'd be simply too boring to go without James. However, since Nate had pre-packed his suit before they'd left England, James was guessing that this wasn't the sudden decision he claimed it to be.
So here they were, bickering like a married couple as always as they trundled their way to the glamorously decorated theatre the event was taking place in.

"Also you can't call out my bad decisions when you're the one that punched a brick wall yesterday," James snarked, staring pointedly at Nate's scraped up knuckles. "What were you even thinking?"
"I was drunk and I thought I heard rats."
"In a four-star hotel?"
"... Shut up."
James smugly went back to fixing his cufflinks, knowing he'd won the argument as usual.

Nathan's (and by extension James') job tonight was to takes any and all photographs they could of the celebrities at the event, as well as filming a BBC news journalist as he gave his live report for TV. This included both the red carpet and inside the actual building, which meant they had one of the few press-passes to get inside.
Already sensing the bitter gazes of the gossip-magazine paparazzi stabbing at the official news-van, James had a strong feeling they weren't going to be popular with anyone tonight.

James' face fell slightly, already wishing he were elsewhere. Elsewhere being either laughing at the hotel's hilariously bad porn channel with Nate, or relaxing with Sebastian at their favourite cafe.
They'd already been in New York for well over a month, and every day that wasn't spent getting hopelessly drunk and lost with Nathan or sight-seeing, was spent in the company of Sebastian, who James truly considered to be one of his best friends now.
They'd become very close during their month together, talking or texting almost non-stop.
However, they were both painfully aware that James' two-month trip was coming to an end soon, and neither of them really wanted to face it yet.

Pulling their van over to the designated parking spaces for reporters, James shook himself back to the present and began prepping everything they needed for tonight's event.

"Damn we look good tonight.. Hey James, we should take a photo or something," Nate beamed, admiring how big his arms looked in his suit. "Ya know, to save a memory of tonight?"

James grinned and pulled out his phone, pulling up Twitter to make a post. "Sure thing man, sounds good."


Wishyouwerequeer: with @NothisisNate ready to show up all the celebs at this event 👌👌👌

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Wishyouwerequeer: with @NothisisNate ready to show up all the celebs at this event 👌👌👌


Smirking at the usernames they'd picked out for each other, the duo made their way over to the security station.

*-And I heard that you was talkin' shit, and you didn't think that I would hear-*

Vision would've been proud of the shade of red James' face took when his phone suddenly went off in the security guard's hand.
Quickly plucking it out of his grip with a stumbled apology, James rushed to answer the call.

"You never told me you'd be at that event!"
"What? Seb, what are you on about?"
"I just saw your post on Twitter, why didn't you tell me you were gonna be there?"
"The event is the whole reason we came to New York! And what do you mean 'saw it on Twitter', you don't even have a Twitter!"
"... Yeah I do."
"Oh no you don't, you've been stalking my Twitter, haven't you Seb."


*Ding* ImSebastianStan is now following you on Twitter!

"God damnit Seb, you literally just made that account up!"
"Did not!"
"Did too!"
"Did no-"

"If you two could stop bickering like an old couple, that'd be great. Security's still waiting for your phone, J." Nate finally cut in, his face a fine combination of impatience and amusement.

"Bah humbug, I'll catch you later Seb," James sighed, before smirking. "Maybe you'll spot me from the red carpet on your way in, a face in the crowd.."

"Yeah, an ugly face."

"...You're a little shit, Sebastian."

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