You're Shorter Than I Thought You'd Be

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"Nathan, get that pink monstrosity out of my face and help me pick a shirt!"

James Edwards was in a bit of a panic.
He darted about the hotel room, scattering clothes, hair products and underwear everywhere, as he rushed to get ready for his first ever meeting with Sebastian Stan, a world famous actor, but more importantly, his friend.

As is tradition in the Edwards household, he was running late yet again, no thanks to Nathan who stood in the doorway giddily throwing him a pair of ghastly neon-pink shorts that James suspected had been stolen from the ass cheeks of Satan himself.

His sulking only increased as the international insult to shorts everywhere bounced off his arm and onto the floor. Mercifully he had his outfit together already, and was only having an issue with choosing a shirt.
Sighing in defeat, he shut his eyes and grabbed the closest one, throwing it on as he left the room.

"Good luck JJ, have fun!" Nathan called out earnestly. He didn't know who he was meeting, but was excited for him anyway.
Pausing in front of the hallway mirror, James looked himself over.

Standing at 6'1" and toned, James knew he was good-looking. Or at least, that's what Nathan told him. Clad in his lucky blue jeans, his steel-toed boots and a white Batman shirt, he nodded to his reflection and headed out to meet his friend for the first time.


The whispers were gonna drive him insane.
Sebastian wasn't a stranger to this cafe, far from it. He used to be a regular here, he loved their coffee and the muffins they served with a smile. But that was until the rest of the world found out he went there, and suddenly his peaceful mornings were replaced with tables crowded with giggling teenagers and gossiping fans, all hoping for a chance to get his attention.

He was fine with it at first of course, excited to see his fans and speak with them personally in a way he wasn't used to. But as the weeks wore on and more fans piled in, he became anxious from it all, since he never had time to relax or be himself anymore. So he had to start avoiding that cafe, for his own sake.

But here he was, back again and already sinking under the heavy stares of the crowded building, trying not to leave there and then.

He was almost about to leave his seat and sit outside when he felt a light tap on his shoulder. Rolling his eyes to the heavens briefly, he slapped on a fake smile and turned to the fan.

The plastic smile dropped like a stone when he was instead faced with the dopey grin he'd only ever seen through a screen.
"Well don't you look pleased to see me!" James laughed pleasantly, delighted by the dumbfounded look on Sebastian's face.

A gleaming, true smile fought its way onto Seb's face as he swiftly rose from his seat and pulled James into a tight hug, something he hadn't known he'd wanted to do until that moment.

He felt James' grin become almost Cheshire as he embraced him, evidently just as excited to see him and Sebastian was. They stayed that way for probably a bit too long, but neither cared. Friends can hug for as long as they want to, right?

So caught up in the happy moment, Sebastian never even noticed how intense and loud the whispers and stares became.

Finally separating, Sebastian frowned playfully as he realised he had to look up slightly to see his friend's face.
James seemed to have the same idea, as he smirked and lightly patted Seb's shoulder.
"Gotta say, you're shorter than I thought you'd be..."
"Shut up, I'm 5'11"! You're just too tall!" He laughed, half-assedly defending himself.
James only smiled wider, his eyes crinkling as he settled down in his seat, ready to finally spend some time with his friend.

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