You're A Worrier, Aren't You?

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Lil J: just got home and Nathan's yelling
I can hear him through the front door
Oh shit he's seen me
Wish me luck


Kiss da gurl🦀:
You there man?
James you alright?


Kiss da gurl🦀:
James are you there???
Did I make you mad or something?
It's been hours J, where are you😥


A light nudge on his arm snapped him back into reality.
"Whoa, sorry about that, I was thinking about something important." Sebastian smiled apologetically to the reporter conducting the interview, trying to make-up for the glazed expression he was sure he'd been pulling.

"It's perfectly fine Mr Stan, is this 'something important' a 'someone', perhaps?" The reporter winked, arching her shoulders back subtly to showcase her generous cleavage in his direction, which he didn't fail to miss.

Sebastian frowned. Though this wasn't the first time a reporter had pulled this behaviour, either in an attempt to get a juicier story or as an actual attempt to flirt with him, he never failed to cringe at how shallow journalists and reporters could be.

At times, fame seemed more like a curse than a blessing, when the only people who are willing to listen to you, are usually trying to exploit and manipulate you and the very words you say.
Mercifully, he had friends like the MCU cast to keep him sane through it all, but the tricks and traps of the media still annoyed him to a degree.

"Yeah, I've been sending my friend texts all day and they just haven't replied yet, it's no big deal." He smiled, trying to move on with the interview. He'd been speaking with James for months now and was used to him replying almost instantly, the sudden silence that lasted for almost 9 hours was starting to worry him, more than he wanted to admit.

The reporter's smile widened, reminding him strikingly of a shark in that moment.
"Is this a lady friend? A potential romance for our Winter Soldier?" Her blonde hair bounced on her shoulders as she leaned forwards, clearly hoping for a 'juicy exclusive' on his personal life.

"No, he is just a very good friend of mine." He shook his head, firmly shutting the conversation down. The reporter's lips pulled down, cheated out of a potential headliner, but mercifully she shook it off and finally continued the interview which was supposed to be about the upcoming CA:CW film.


Dark eyes snapped open at the sudden irritating force on his arm. James glared sullenly at the far too joyful expression on Nate's face as he woke him up.
"We're heeeeeeere~" he sang, clearly enjoying the already jet-lagged scowl on his friend's face.

James' mood lifted at that. He'd never been to America, so even though he sulked and moaned the whole way there, they both knew that in reality, he was over the moon about this trip.

Ripping himself away from the surprisingly comfy seats, James staggered his way off the plane and through security, blearily manoeuvring through the crowds. Though he couldn't help but feel he was forgetting something...

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