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James grinned mischievously as he passed Sebastian a napkin to clean up the water he just spat across the table from laughter.

"You did not actually do that, there's no way.." Sebastian coughed, trying to wipe the spilled water off his shirt.

"Oh, I did. The police had never seen anything like it, they said it was the first time they'd ever seen someone contort their body to fit in a post-box like that before." James replied smugly, his drunken mishap clearly being a fond memory.

Sebastian shook his head in wonder for what felt like the hundredth time that afternoon. They'd been talking in the cafe for close to three hours, and couldn't be enjoying themselves more. For every on-set story Sebastian gleefully told, James countered with a hilarious tale from his favourite places in England. They couldn't get enough of each other's company.

But Sebastian had started noticing how loud the whispers had become again, how obvious the staring was now and how shameless people were as they turned their phone cameras towards their table. He especially noticed how many of them weren't even focused on him anymore, but his friend instead.
Anger stabbed at him.
Just for one day, he couldn't be left alone to enjoy something like a regular person, and his brand new friend who he'd only just got to meet was already being dragged into it all.


There was something wrong.
James could tell from the second Sebastian's jaw clenched and his eyes started darting past James' head.
He knew what it was of course. He wasn't deaf or blind, and those petty teenagers weren't fooling anyone while pretending to take selfies, coincidentally aiming their phones right at their table. Dumbasses.

He didn't particularly care about it all, but with Sebastian looking ready to fly out the window at any second and head for Cuba, he felt that maybe they should head elsewhere.

"So, I haven't been around New York yet. Anywhere you could recommend for dinner?" He hinted, trying to give Seb the opportunity to escape.

Sebastian visibly sunk in relief, happily gathering his things together as he listed off dozens of different restaurants, obviously eager to leave all the muttering and stares behind.


After dinner at a nearby restaurant, during which the main topic of conversation was 'Sweet Jesus you Americans eat so much meat', they finally decided to call it a night.

"Aside from the fact that they basically served us a whole cow each, today was pretty damn awesome." James grinned, arm slung around Sebastian's shoulders as they made their way to his car.
"You're just weak-willed, I managed to finish the whole thing!" Sebastian snarked back, elbowing him lightly in the stomach for emphasis.

Finally reaching the car, Seb ducked away from his arm and turned to him, suddenly serious.
"I'm sorry about the cafe, I'd really hoped that the fans wouldn't cause that much of a fuss, but I know you noticed.." He apologised, looking put out.

"It'll take more than a angsty preteen with a Justin Bieber shirt to scare me off, Seb." James smiled, trying to show he really wasn't bothered by it all.

Sebastian's mood lifted at that, and with a promise to text him later, got into his car and watched James leave before finally returning home.

Take It Slow [Sebastian Stan - M/M]Where stories live. Discover now