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A/N: I'll let you know when to put on the music, don't worry ;)


"Oh for heaven's sakes, how did I get over here?" James whined, trying to spot Nathan through the bustling crowds of the dance floor.

They'd gotten their work done, taking photos and filming the news reporter, so Nate had decided to grab them some drinks to celebrate ("Just the one drink J, I promise!")

And so, three hours later, the tipsy twosome had somehow gotten separated, and were wandering lost and drunk in an A-list event that was waaaaay above their social standing.
By now, the orchestra was long gone, replaced by booming speakers and writhing bodies on the dance floor.

Suddenly spotting the back of Nathan's head by the buffet table, James shuffled his way through the bustling dance floor and hustled over to him.

"Nate, Naaaaaate! NATHAN," He hollered, grabbing onto his friend's shoulder, giving it a small shake for emphasis. "We're too drunk for this shit, man. Too damn drunk, Nate."

"Damn right you are, I'm not Nathan."

James shook his head, blearily focusing on Sebastian Stan's twinkling eyes, clearly trying not to laugh as his tipsy friend grasped his shoulder.

"Well this is familiar, huh?" Sebastian laughed, memories fondly returning to how they met in the first place.
"Ah shit, sorry Sebs! I was l-lookin' for Nate, you know-w how it is.." James sighed, patting his friend's shoulder in a strange form of drunken affection.

"Sebastian, who's this.. Charmer?"

Ah shit.
Sebastian turned back to the journalist he'd forgotten he was talking to, her press-pass hanging proudly over her chest, blonde hair done up in a complex style he couldn't hope to know the name of.

"Sorry about that, this is a dear friend of mine, James."
"Pleased to meet you, love!" James smiled cheerily, extending a hand in an attempt to be friendly.
"Yes, pleasure." The reporter sniffed, before turning away, obviously hoping to speak with someone a bit higher-class.

James dropped his hand and frowned, shrugging a bit at Seb in a 'what can you do' kind of way.
They stood in silence for a second, the music from the speakers fading out briefly, before quickly being replaced by a familiar tune.

(A/N: You can start that music now, kiddos ;) )

"Oh, no WAY," James gasped, latching onto Sebastian's hand. "Seb, Seb, Seb Se-"
"This is my jam, man. We gotta dance!"
"Wait, what?" Sebastian laughed, eyes flashing over to meet his, surprise and amusement shining within them.

James beamed back down at him; seeing Sebastian having a good time cheered him up almost instantly.

"Yeah mate! Nate isn't here to dance with me, so you can be my new partner," he winked sloppily, the alcohol flashing his flirty side briefly.

Shaking his head in mock exasperation, Sebastian let himself be dragged onto the dance floor by his hand, not seeing any problem with dancing with his friend.

After all, friends can dance with each other, right?

James grinned down at the man in front of him, trying with all his might not to laugh.
Sebastian clearly had no idea how to dance, standing on the spot and bouncing in place, wiggling his arms about now and then; the urge to break down laughing was killing him.

Finally taking mercy on the clueless Romanian, James couldn't hold back a laugh anymore as he pulled his friend into a swaying dance, spinning him around tipsily as he grasped one of the actor's hands, clumsily planting the other on his shoulder.
Sebastian huffed, pretending to be offended about his apparent lack of skill, before shaking his head and joining in with the dance, laughing loudly when one of them swayed too far and lost their balance.

They lost track of time, the music drowning out their drunken singing as they swayed together, now and then one of the two attempting a new move only to end up tripping all over the other.
All the while, they couldn't look away from the other, genuinely having a good time in the other's company.

But they weren't the only ones who couldn't look away.
The two-man spectacle on the dance floor was raising a lot of attention, and a lot of mixed feelings.

There were some who scowled, appalled at the inappropriate behaviour at such a public event.

There were some that laughed, clearly seeing the two friends as exactly that, friends having a bit of fun with a drunken dance.

And then there were those like the Avengers cast, all of whom were very aware that they had never seen Sebastian Stan smile like that before.
Not even back when he was dating the supposed 'love of his life', Melody.

But none of them mattered to Sebastian at that moment.
All that mattered to him, was whether or not his next 'amazing' dance move would make his dear friend laugh again, because that laugh was quickly becoming his favourite sound in the world.

But that was normal.

Friends can love the sound of each other's laugh, right?


Yeah, I made up an ex-girlfriend for this story, didn't feel comfortable bringing in real exes into the whole thing.

Please comment and let me know your thoughts!

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