hi :)

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hello! my name is Amena. this will be a Dan Howell imagine. I literally make this story up as I go, so if you find a mistake or something doesn't make sense, please comment and sorry. if you aren't familiar with an imagine, this is what you need to know.

Y/N means "your name" (usually for first name)
Y/L/N means "your last name"
Y/F/N means "your full name"
Y/YT/N means "your YouTube name"

there won't be any Y/F/N's (your friend's name) here because I just feel like those ruin the story. this is for you.

I'm American, so this story might seem kinda odd since I barely know anything about the UK. Oops.

In the story, I may add in places where you can make the decision. It'll go something like this:

Dan offered you coffee/tea/juice/other

that way, the story will feel more like yours (don't steal it though) and you can enjoy it even more. when you get to these points, I just want you to comment what you decided so I can see what you chose and it's kinda cool because you can interact with other readers.

as of now, I have 0 followers (lmao) and I've just started this account. who knows how much this will grow? will this have a thousand reads? a million? will I have a million followers? haha but the amount of reads and followers don't really matter to me. what matters is the positivity and the kindness and support from you guys, so negativity of any form won't be tolerated on this account. :) I don't want to sound like a mean person, but I don't want to see any bullying, name calling, or put-downs on this story (or other stories I may write). if I do, I'll have to block, mute, and report you because that behavior is unacceptable. it's not a threat, sorry if that sounded really aggressive.

I take requests, so if you want to see something on this story, message me and I'll try to reply as soon as I can.

I probably won't be able to update everyday because of my summer program and when school rolls around, but I'll try my best to update as much as I can. I'll let you all know when I can update.

anyways, I hope you enjoy this story! I don't know how long it'll be, I guess it's up to you. ;)

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