a letter

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i haven't been on in a while, and i do have my reasons for that. i initially took a break from wattpad because it was conflicting with my school schedule and was a distraction from doing my work. i used to be obsessed with this app. i was constantly writing or coming up with plots and i was always reading stories written by others. but a lot has happened since i left, some of which i don't really want to talk about. i've learned a few important lessons while i was gone, and those lessons weren't always positive. i'm doing much better now though.

i've come back to tell you all that i will no longer be writing fanfiction.

i know, i know. it's strange. but i don't stan dan and phil anymore. quite frankly, i find them sort of cringey and just unentertaining. please don't come at me with hate, it's childish. you can say that i've grown out of the phandom and writing fanfiction. i will be turning this account into a different one. an account where i can write just regular fiction. fanfiction just isn't my thing anymore. hopefully, you'll enjoy my new writing more, if you choose to stay.

i'm sorry if i'm disappointing you. i'm sorry for leaving for so long and coming back just to tell you all this. i've met a few really cool people and i've made a few great friends, and i'm thankful for that.

before i go, i wanted to let you know that every single one of you are amazing people. you all are so creative and kind and deserve the world. i want you to remember that. i wish you all the best of luck and i hope you all find what you're looking for.


amena :)

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