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I'm being stupid. Letting my insecurities control me would make matters worse. It's Christmas, everyone's favorite time of the year. I should try to be a little festive. Instead, I shook my head and turned the TV on, flipping through the channels to find nothing even semi-interesting on. Gamingmas had ended the day before, leaving me to contemplate whether or not to make a video for my channel before the year ended.

I continued to scroll through the channels. Even a baking show would satisfy me for now. Finding nothing but grown men giving speeches, news, and golf, I turned the TV off and sat in silence. I let my mind reflect on everything I've done in 2016.

What a huge roller coaster it was.

It took a while, but after recollecting my thoughts, I managed to get off the couch and sit at the desk in my room.

PINOF 8 bloopers today.


It's Christmas, but I was sitting in the middle of countless shopping bags from different stores, trying to organize everything into my closets and drawers. They were all from Black Friday sales that I decided to put off for another day. Laziness took over and I haven't touched them until today.

A notification on my phone interrupted me going through another bag. I dropped it and went to pick the phone up.

danisnotonfire: merry christmas from dan and phil! here's your gift - (a link to the video was inserted) some bloopers from phil is not on fire 8 (followed by a few emojis)

I smiled at the tweet. I've watched every single one of the Phil Is Not On Fire series, as the fangirl that I used to be. But it didn't stop me from watching the most recent one.

Still grinning, I clicked on the link and watched.

It's crazy how the weird fangirl from high school is now a successful YouTuber in a matter of a few years. I didn't think I'd be able to do it.

Another notification on my phone, this time signaling a text from Zoe. She had asked if I'm going to some Christmas gathering in Brighton. I quickly typed a declination and followed it with an apology.

Sometimes, staying in is better than going out.

A/N: IT'S YA GIRL BACK WITH ANOTHER UPDATE. Sorry for the short chapter and for being so late, writer's block is a bitch.

Merry Christmas!

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