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"Dan, can you come over here?" Y/N called, her voice slightly strained. I turned around and saw her on the ground. Panic flooded over me. Was she hurt?

I carefully stepped towards her, unsure of what to do. She cradled her knees with her arms, surely in pain.

All of a sudden, a bright blue substance was sprayed onto my face, some of it getting on my hair.

Y/N stood there, laughing at me as I wiped the blue substance off my face. We were both holding cans of Silly String, and were currently at a park. We've spent the last half hour spraying each other, celebrating the end of a great year.

I grinned. "Two can play at that game." I popped the cap off and sprayed at her, getting pink Silly String on her. She started running, and I chased after her, still spraying her. She turned around a few times to try to spray at me, only to get covered in more of the plastic stuff.

I finally managed to grab her, the two of us panting from the running. My arm snaked around her stomach and clutched onto her side, pulling her towards me. She tried squirming out of my grip, so I pulled her closer and held on to her tighter. I took advantage of this and sprayed more Silly String on her head, a pile starting to form on her hair. Y/N managed to free herself from me, and she gave me a strong shove. I let out a small laugh.

"You're such a jerk," she giggled.

We walked over to a nearby bench and sat down. I had set my phone on a timer for New Year's so I could count every second to midnight, and it was still running.

Much to my surprise, time was slipping.

12 minutes and 35 seconds until midnight.

"The end of another year," Y/N said. I turned to look at her with my eyebrows raised. She was staring up at the starless, jet black sky. The moon was hidden behind a layer of gray clouds.

"Isn't this crazy? I just feel like 2016 was a crazy year, and it's about to end." She seemed deep in thought as she said this, and I couldn't help but admire the look on her face.

9 minutes and 13 seconds.

I looked up at the sky. The clouds I didn't know how to respond to that, so I blurted out, "That's true."

A short pause later, I spoke again. "2016 was the year of accomplishments for me. I'm quite proud of myself."

"So am I," Y/N replied.

My breath caught in my throat. I must've misheard her.


She smiled. "I said I'm proud of you too. You've achieved a lot, and that's awesome."

4 minutes and 42 seconds.

"Shit," I muttered. Y/N glanced up at me.


"I forgot to invite you to our flat tomorrow night. Phil's wants to host yet another party. He wants to celebrate with a few people," I said, "and this is the same guy who used to dislike parties and human contact," I finished.

We both laughed. Her laughter was one of my favorite sounds.

"Are you going to come?" I asked. "To the party, I mean," I sheepishly added.

Fortunately, she didn't sense the innuendo and replied with, "Sure, I'd love to."

43 seconds.

"It's almost time," Y/N stated. We watched as the timer counted down.

"We'll be welcoming 2017 soon," I commented.

30 seconds.

"It's always anticlimactic after a New Year's countdown," she remarked, her eyes still glued to my phone screen.

21 seconds.

God, could time go any slower? Y/N moved a little closer and I swear I felt my face flush.

She started counting down: 20, 19, 18, 17, 16...

At this moment, the urge to kiss her grew stronger. I would be the happiest I've ever been if she's my New Year's kiss.

15, 14, 13...

It's not like I haven't wanted to kiss her before. Tonight would make it special; an amazing start to 2017.

12, 11, 10, 9, 8...

But what if she pushes me away? My fear of rejection invades my head. It would be super awkward if she did.

7, 6, 5, 4...

As my eyes traveled to the beautiful woman sitting next to me, she counted down the last seconds of another fantastic year.

3, 2, 1...

"Happy New Year," she whispered, now looking back up at me.

"Yeah, happy New Year," I responded while standing up. "I should be getting home now."

"Oh, okay." She got up as well. "See you tomorrow," she said as she walked away.

I turned around and began stepping towards the road, where I'll have to hail a cab to get home.

I felt heavy. I should've just gone for the kiss. But I couldn't, because of the coward I am.

Maybe next time I'll gather the guts to do it.

Now I wonder when that "next time" will be.

A/N: It's currently 6:26 p.m where I am. But Happy New Year to anyone reading this on January 1st! I hope you have an amazing 2017 and I hope you find what you're looking for :)

- Amena

update 1/18/17: kms i wrote 'your' instead of 'you're' don't you just love typos

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