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A/N: This chapter is brought to you by Amena, currently drowning (get it, get it?) in homework and portfolio work.

A/N: This chapter is brought to you by Amena, currently drowning (get it, get it?) in homework and portfolio work

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But also, happy Halloween!

"Very original, Y/N," Dan remarked sarcastically. He was sitting on my bed, watching me pull the mask over my face. I was going as a skeleton, a costume I had thought of two days before.

"You're going as a vampire again, Dan," I said, playfully rolling my eyes. I tugged at the black leggings, which exposed a sliver of skin on my upper thigh.

"Are you guys almost done?" Phil asked from the living room.

"One second," I called back as I was adjusting my choker necklace.

Five minutes later, we were walking out the door and getting into a cab, heading to Zoe's apartment.

. . .

Dim orange lanterns and candles lit up the room. Two tables of food were set up in the kitchen, and the apartment was packed with people mingling and eating. Dan, Phil, and I squeezed our way to the living room and sat down on a couch.

"What do you guys do at parties?" I asked.

"Sit and eat and watch people do dumb things," Phil answered.

We sat in silence, until Phil got up to get food. Dan had his phone out, and I played with my fingers, not really enjoying my time.

Zoe was busy walking around, chatting with her guests. She was dressed as a werewolf, and she looked amazing.

I watched as more and more people walked in. The temperature seemed to rise with each passing moment. I shifted uncomfortably, and when I couldn't stay for much longer, I excused myself and left the apartment in a rush.

My breath slowed as I took in the cool air. I sat on a bench in between two street lights and watched car after car drive by.

"Hey," a deep voice said, interrupting my thoughts.

"Hi," I replied. Dan took a seat next to me, our knees lightly touching.

"You left in a hurry. Are you alright?" He turned his head to face me with a look of concern.

"I'm fine. I was feeling a little suffocated in there, that's all," I answered. A sudden cold breeze whipped at us, causing my hair to blow to one side and sending a chill through me.

"Why did you come outside?" I questioned.

"To see if you were okay and to take a walk. Would you like to join?" He stood up and hovered over me.

I nodded in response and joined him as we strolled along the sidewalks. We passed by rows of houses and tall buildings. I kicked the fallen gold and crimson leaves as I walked, watching Dan mirroring my actions.

It was a gorgeous night. A crescent moon loomed overhead like a spear in the dark sky, illuminated by millions of twinkling stars. Leaves blew by, and as we kept walking, it seemed like it was just the two of us outside.

We continued on, not saying a word to each other.

Because when I looked beside me, there was no one there.

I turned around, and saw Dan stooped over, picking something up.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I approached him. He stood back up and held up a box of matches.

"Has anyone ever told you that you shouldn't play with matches?" I joked, giggling as I did.

"I'm a big boy now, I can do whatever I want," he said, sticking his tongue out. I watched as he pulled out a matchstick, swiping it against the coarse striking surface a few times before a small flame appeared. He held the stick in his fingers, analyzing the glow and it's movement, before flicking it over his shoulder, not noticing that it had landed on a metal fence, setting it ablaze.

"Oh my god! Dan, what the hell?" I shrieked. He looked over to see the fence completely covered in flames, and took a few steps back.

Not knowing what else to do, I grabbed his arm and tugged him away from the house.

"Are you trying to get us arrested?" I hissed at him when we arrived at another house. The windows to this one were smashed, indicating that no one lived in it. Dan burst into hysterics, and he just couldn't stop.

"Why are you laughing? It's not funny." I tried to sound firm, but that just made him laugh even louder.

"You look cute when you're mad," he stated once he regained his composure. I rolled my eyes at the comment and sat on a bench in front of a full swimming pool. Dan joined me again, and this time our arms were lined up. We sat there for a few minutes. I contemplated what I would tell Zoe and the others where we were.

"You know what would be funnier?" He asked. I turned to look at him.

"If we got caught," he said.

"And going to jail for messing with someone's property?" I replied sassily while getting up. He chuckled and stood up, taking slow steps towards me.

"What would you do if I threw you in the pool?" I shot him a dirty look.

"You wouldn't dare," I challenged. He was inching closer and closer to me. I took cautious steps back.

"I wouldn't?" He questioned, a sly expression on his face. I was backed up into the wall. Dan was so close to me I could feel his breath on my face.

"No, no no no. Please don't," I pleaded. He bent down and placed one arm around my legs and the other on my back. I screamed and thrashed around in his grip.

"That's not going to help, Y/N," he said. I watched in horror as he raced towards the pool. I gripped onto his shirt collar, pulling him down with me as we sunk into the freezing water.

After surfacing for air, it was then my turn to laugh. Dan stared at me for a few seconds, until he too was roaring with laughter.

Oh, that laugh. I loved being the cause of it.

"How are we going to go back like this?" I pulled at my costume that was sticking to my skin.

"We'll think of an excuse," he answered, getting out of the pool and offering his hands down to help me up.

.   .   .

"Why are you two drenched?" Louise asked. Zoe stood beside her, observing us with a confused expression plastered on her face. Dan and I glanced over at each other with dumb smiles, earning Louise and Zoe to exchange puzzled looks.

"Come in," Zoe invited. Dan and I entered the house, shivering and causing heads to turn.

Cat was standing next to the counter, a drink in her hand. She looked me up and down, before proceeding to whisper in another woman's ear.

I didn't care. All that mattered to me at the moment was warming up.

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