Dinner Disaster

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Lauren walked in at around 10:45 she appeared tired and I kinda figured that she would be after being "Boss for the day" it's pretty hard work.

I prepared dinner for her because I knew that she would be hungry.

Lauren gently placed the car keys on the night stand and sat down next to me.

"Long day?" I asked smiling

"Yeah, but fun I had such a great time thank you for letting me be the boss today" she giggled

"Hey no problem at all I knew you could do it, oh! I made dinner for you I've already eaten but I've got you a covered  plate in the microwave if your hungry."

"Oh gosh food sounds amazing right now food,shower, then bed" she said her eyes showing signs of fatigue.

Lauren and I walked into the kitchen as I set her food on 2 minutes and pressed the button I suddenly remember the Dinner tomorrow night.

"Oh umm gosh I know this is short notice but my mom called and reminded me of this annual dinner with friends thing we do every year that's completley stupid and pointless I have to bring a date and I was wondering if you-"

"I'd love to be your date y/n" Lauren smiled bashfuly at me our eyes suddenly locked in an unbreakable stare as her eyes twinkled with delight there was a comfortable silence between us until the Ding of the microwave tore my eyes away from hers.

"Foods done" I said taking the plate from the microwave and setting it in front of her along with a chilled glass of wine.

I sat with lauren in the kitchen as she ate and we discussed the dinner situation

"So tell me about your parents" she asked as she took a small sip of her wine.

"Where should I start? Well first my mom she's something else I must say.." I glanced up at Lauren only to find that her eyes were already glued to me.

"What about her? She seems like a nice woman from the pictures" Lauren smiled as she stabbed her steamed veggies with a fork and brought them to her lips.

I sighed before continuing.

"My mom is... my mom's a close minded individual and that's putting things lightly, she claims that she only want the best for me yet she pushes heterosexuality on me when she knows that I am gay, I used to try so hard to make her accept me for who I was but I know that she never will, she's in denial about who I am and constantly tries to fix me up with guys she's spoiled rotten by my dad who can't seem to see that's she's basically using him for his money, I mean she doesn't love him in fact she stopped loving him a long time ago now she only loves his money my mom is the kinda woman where she wants things to go her way she has no filter on her mouth and she belive that most people are beneath her."

"Wow, you'd never guess that by looking at her...  what about your dad how's he?" Lauren asked

A smile quickly crossed my face as I thought about what a great man my father was.

" My dad.. what can I say about him he's a good guy you know.. he's a very sweet man and u like my mother he has always accepted me for who I was n loved me he's a good guy I don't see how he puts up with my mom's shit but he does he loves her but she can't see it...my dad believes in  giving to those in need he'd give the shirt off his back for someone who didn't have one my dad he's he's cool he taught me that I should never be ashamed of who I am because there was nothing  shameful about me.."  I stared down at the marble counterparts as a few thoughts crossed my mind.

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