New School

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Jack's PoV:
I wake up and practically jump out of bed and nearly trip on the steps as I run downstairs. I'm going to a new school and I can't wait to make new friends. I wonder who I'll meet. My mom sits at the table and laughs at how excited I am.

"I see you're looking forward to your first day at a new school," she says as she passes me my breakfast. "If you get ready fast enough we might have some time to go get you something from that  café you like."

I smile wider and eat my breakfast and  run up the stairs, almost tripping a few times. I quickly pick out my blue sweater, blue jeans, and a winter coat since it's cold outside. I love the cold since I'm used to it, but I like to keep warm. I grab a pair of boxers and a towel and run to the bathroom to shower and brush my teeth.

I step out of the bathroom with my boxers on and my toothbrush still in my mouth. I put my pants on and continue brushing my teeth. I walk back into the bathroom to spit the toothpaste out and rinse the toothbrush. I walk back out and put on a shirt and my sweater. I put socks on and grab my winter coat and backpack before running back downstairs. I put my shoes on as I see my mom walking down the stairs. She sees me and laughs. I smile at her and put my winter coat on then my beanie and scarf and finally my backpack.

"C'mon mom, you said you'd get me something from the café!" I say, bouncing up and down. She laughs and finishes getting ready. She grabs her keys and purse and I run out to the car. She gets into the car and we drive to the café. She gets me a hot coffee with whipped cream on the top. (Just look at the picture) She starts driving me to school and kisses me on the cheek before I get out of the car and take a drink of my coffee, getting whipped cream on my nose. I walk into the school just as I finish my coffee and walk into the office and throw my cup away while I wait for the lady at the desk to give me my schedule.

"What's your name, again?" She asks as she opens a cabinet.

"Sean McLoughlin, I like to go by Jack instead of Sean though," I answer, looking around the office. She finds my schedule and passes it to me.

"Someone should be here soon to show you your way to your first class. Or you can wander around and explore before anyone else gets here."

"Is no one else here?"

"Well, there is one other student, but I doubt you'll get a conversation out of him, let alone a word."

I was going to ask more questions but someone tapped my shoulder. I turn around to see a blonde boy with blue eyes smiling at me.

"You must be the new student, Sean, right?" He asks with a Swedish accent.

"Yeah, but I go by Jack, not Sean."

"Okay, well, you want me to show you around before school starts?" He asks, I look outside the office to see students walking in.

"Yeah, sure," I say. He grabs my hand and starts the tour of the school. He sees some of his friends and leads me over to them.

"Hey, Felix!" A boy with a mask says, walking over to us. They hug and Felix kisses the top of the boys head.

"Hey, Cry," he says and I can see a dark red blush under the boys mask. I smile and look around and see the rest of the group of friends smiling at them. "Jack, this is Ken, his girlfriend Mary, Bob, Wade, Aaron, Matt, Ryan, another Matt, we call him Matthias so we don't get the two mixed up, his girlfriend Amanda."

He introduces me to every one of his friends and I know, I've already found friends. Felix shows me to my first class, since we have every class together except one, somehow.

~the not at all rare time skip~

I get up from my desk and Felix walks over to me. Time for lunch. He smiles at me and he leads me to the lunchroom after going to our lockers to grab our lunches. He walks over to a table that all our friends are sitting at. But there's someone else with them, a boy with raven black hair on the sides and back of his head and red on top, just like me, only I have green instead of red. Felix walks over to him and puts his hand on the boys back. The boy looks at Felix silently.

"Jack, this is Mark," Felix says, a small smile on his face. Mark just looks at me and then at his lunch and finishes eating. "He doesn't talk much."

I watch as Mark grabs his lunch box and stands up and walks away from the table. Felix sighs and sits next to Cry.

"Why did he leave? Is it because of me?" I ask, turning to the group.

"No, he does this every day, he would eat his lunch with us and then sneak off somewhere. We don't follow him since we think he doesn't want us following him," Cry says.

I look at the door that Mark left through. Where is he going...?

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