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I just read a story and I'm sad and I'm sorry if this chapter is shit...

Mark's PoV:
I see Jack and Richard standing facing each other. Richard pointing a gun at Jack's face. I see that Jack's body is relaxed, despite the gun pointed at his face. My vision goes black and when my vision returns I see Jack's hand grabbing the gun and his leg kicking Richard in the side. My vision goes black again and when it returns I see Jack holding the gun, Richard on the ground, Jack pointing the gun at Richard. I watch from my position as Richard coughs before glaring up at Jack. My vision blurs then goes completely black.

Jack's PoV:
I point the gun directly between Richard's eyes, my hand surprisingly steady, my heartbeat calm, my body relaxed. Before I can question why I'm like this my phone rings. Without looking away from Richard I grab my phone and answer it.

"Hey, none of us found him, did you find him?" I hear Felix say, Matpat and Steph trying to ask me something in the background.

"I found both of them," I answer, still not looking away from Richard.

"Both of them?"

"I found Mark AND Richard are both here."

"We're coming, hold on."

"Take your time, I'm fine. But if you want to hurry then Mark might need your help."

"Just hold on."

They hang up and I put my phone away. Richard's still glaring at me and gripping his side. I had kicked his side, grabbed his gun, and twisted his arm all at once. He coughs again.

"How does it feel to be the powerless one, Richard? After so long of being the powerful one, how does it feel?"

"It feels like shit and I don't like it."

"Well, this is how Mark feels everyday. You don't know what he's been through."

"Oh! And you do!?" He practically yells up at me.

"Yes, actually, he's told me what happened. Unlike you, I was nice to him! I didn't try to control him or hurt him! I helped him! You don't know how you've effected him! Especially after what happened! What you did to him only added to the pain! I oughta shoot you right now! But you wanna know something?"


"I'm not, because I'm better than you. I'm not going to shoot you because you're going to be sent to prison for the rest of your life and possibly have the death sentence. I don't need to do anything, because you're already going to punished for what you've done."

He snarls and glares at me. Felix and the others run in and when they see me pointing a gun at Richard they gasp.

"Tie him up guys." I say.

"No need, the police are on the way." Felix says.

"Tie him up, I don't want to have to keep this gun pointed at him until they get here."

They nod and Matpat ties him up while the other two run over to Mark.

"Don't take the knife out, it's probably in one of his arteries."

They nod and untie him. They throw the ropes at Matpat to tie Richard with. When they finish tying him up I lower the gun. I hold it by my side and we wait for paramedics and police. The police and medics rush in and I pass the gun to the police.

"This is his," I say and point at Richard. They nod and Richard glares at us.

"You're all going to pay for this," he growls.

"You have the right to be silent," the officer says as she cuffs him. The leave the ropes on him, just in case. "You're going away for a long time, if not then for life. Maybe after all the things you've done you'll get the death penalty."

They take Richard away while the medics take Mark on a stretcher. I follow them out and into the ambulance.

~short time skip~

We arrive at the hospital and I wait in the waiting room to find out if he's gonna be okay.

~another time skip~

I look up as I hear my name being called. I walk over to the nurse.

"Is he gonna be okay?"

YAAS! I UPDATED TWICE IN ONE DAY!!!!! *silently celebrating on my own*

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