Caring for a broken boy

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Mark's PoV:
I play for a few hours before needing to use the bathroom. I silently pause the game and put the controller down before going to the bathroom. I use the toilet then go to the sink and wash my hands, avoiding my reflection.

Why won't you look? I hear the voice in my head say. I close my eyes and grip the edge of the sink, trying as hard as I can not to look at myself. Are you afraid to remind yourself of your failure? I tighten my closed eyes, shaking my head. I finally give in and look at my reflection, tears starting to fall down my face. You know what you ha...

SHUT UP!!! I scream in my head at the voice, tears falling down my face. JUST SHUT UP!!! The voice chuckles a little.

Hey, do you remember your ex? Remember how he used you? He didn't care, your hint that no one does. It whispers maliciously, like someone whispering in my ear. My heart skips a beat, and not in a good way. I feel my breathing become shallower and more panicked as the memory of HIM comes back.

Jack's PoV:

"Mark's been up there for a while," I say to Echo and Flower. "I'll go check on him."

Echo and Flower nod silently, probably starting to worry. I stand up and start walking up the stairs, I go to Mark's room to see if he's in there first. When I don't see him there I go to the bathroom and knock on the door.

"Mark!" I say, almost yelling. "You okay in there? You've been in there for a while."

I put my ear to the door and hear the click of Mark putting something down. I start to think of what it could be and start to seriously worry. I knock again, wanting him to open the door and not make me open it myself. I put my ear to the door but hear nothing from inside except shallow, slightly panicked breathing. I open the door, walking in. I freeze at what I see. Mark, sitting in the corner, knees pulled to his chest, head down, and covering his head with his hands. I look at the sink to see a blade at the edge of the sink. I look back at Mark and see blood running down his arm and getting some in his hair. I rush over to him and hug him. I pull him to his feet and sit him on the toilet so I can clean the cuts.

"Why'd you do it, Mark?" I ask as I put the blade in my pocket to get rid of it later. He just looks down at his lap. I walk over to him with a wet washcloth and press it to the cuts on his arm. "Please tell me Mark."

"Why would you care?" He asks, looking up at me, tears forming in his eyes.

"I care because you're a person too. I may not know much about who you were before the incident. But I know the you now. I want to meet that boy that you were before the incident, but I know that'll take lots of work if not then I'm fine with the way you are now." I start to clean his cuts as he stays silent. I wrap his wrist in a way that he can't take it off on his own and help him stand up. I fix the sleeve of the jacket he's wearing so Echo and Flower don't see the bandage and we start walking back downstairs. I put my arm around him as we walk. He doesn't try to move away or say anything. I sigh. "Please don't go back to being silent."

"I'm not..." he says quietly, not looking at me as we walk. I stop him from walking and turn him towards me.

"Look at me," I say, gripping his shoulders. He looks up from his hands at me. I look into his eyes. "There are people who care about you, but they can't help you if you don't tell them what's wrong. Your friends, Echo, Flower, Me. You're surrounded by people who care about you, don't forget that."

He smiles a little and nods. I smile and pull him into a hug. He hugs back and we just stand there for a while. "Please, don't hurt yourself. Come to your friends, your family." I say, still hugging him.

"Okay," he says, putting his head on my shoulder as we continue to hug. Echo and Flower walk into view and I see them and smile. They give me a questioning look and I just shoo them back. I pull out of the hug and Mark and I continue walking. We walk over to the couch. Mark picks up the controller and saves and quits the game. "You don't want to continue playing?"

"No, I'm good for now," he says, putting the controller down and turning off the tv. He leans against me and I put my arms around him. Echo and Flower look at us and smile. I look at them and give them the 'don't you dare say it' look. They laugh before standing up.

"We should probably get going to the gym soon, watch Mark while we're gone, will you?" Echo says as she starts walking to the stairs.

"Did you ever doubt that I would?" I ask, smiling.

"I don't need to be babied, I'm a big boy," Mark says, smiling a little. We all start to laugh a little and Echo and Flower go upstairs to get ready. Mark looks at me and I smile at him. "Thanks."

"For what?" I ask him, still smiling.

"For caring about me."

"Why wouldn't I?"

Finally done!! *slightly crying* I hated writing that first part... but I hope you enjoyed anyways! See ya in the next one!

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