Poems and Mistakes

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~time skip, brought to you by not yiffing Foxy in DSaF~

Jack's PoV:

We're all sitting at a table at lunch, Mark sitting next to me. We have a quiet conversation between what everyone is saying. I try to see what he's writing but he keeps covering it up whenever I try to look at it. We all talk and laugh. Mark only talks to me, since he's not comfortable in telling anyone else why he hasn't spoken to them before then. He mostly just writes whatever it is he's writing with the occasional whispered conversation with me.

We all stand up to go outside. Mark goes a little bit ahead of me since I'm grabbing my stuff. I see something fall out of his pocket and pick it up. I see it's what he was writing and I decide to open it.

I sit here now,
Alone in this cage,
Surrounded by black.
But in the distance,
A small door opens.
A figure stands there
Kind and patient.

I reach my hand
Through the bars,
Reaching for the light
From the door.
But as soon as my hand
touches the light
it burns and I recede
into darkness once more.

I sit here now,
Alone in this cage
Surrounded by black.
I fear I may never leave,
For as soon as I leave
I fear I may be pushed back in.

But as that figure stands there,
smiling and patient,
my heart breaks.
For I sit here,
In this cage,
Making no attempt
to escape.

For once I leave,
I fear I shall break
and just return
To my lonely little spot
In this lonely little cage
that's surrounded by black.

I cover my mouth and start to cry as I finish the poem. I look at Mark, who looks back at me, sees the paper in my hand, and goes pale. He walks over and grabs the paper, not saying anything. As he's about to walk away I grab him and hug him. He just freezes at first before hugging back.

"You weren't supposed to read that..." he says quietly, just barely loud enough for me to hear.

"Well too bad, I read it and I don't care if you didn't want me to. I will wait as long as it takes for you to realize that the pain you feel when you touch the light is just a side-effect of you being better than you ever were before. This experience has made you a better person, whether you choose to acknowledge it or not." I say quietly back so Felix and the others don't hear.

Mark buries his face in my shoulder as we hug. I smile and just silently hug him. I see Felix and the others look at us and Felix gives us a look of confusion while Cry tilts his head to the side slightly. The others look at each other, shrugging, and looking confused. I start to walk with Mark next to me, my arm still around him. We all leave the lunch room and head outside. Mark and I sit in the shade of a tree and we have a quiet conversation. The others sit next to us and continue their conversation, some of them giving us the occasional worried glance.

The bell rings, signaling for us to go to our classes. I hug Mark as we stand up and start walking inside.

~the rarest of the unrare time skip~

Mark's PoV:
I look around to make sure none of my friends are around before running to the back of the school. I take out the poem I wrote and crumple it up and toss it on the ground. I sit against the wall of the school, my knees pulled to my chest as I bury my face in my arms and cry.

"It's bad to litter, you know," I hear that all too familiar voice say. I don't respond as I cry more and shake in fear. I feel a hand grab my hair and pull my head up so I'm looking at HIM. He pulls my hair more so I'm standing in front of him. I shake in fear, tears rolling down my cheeks like waterfalls off a cliff. "Did you think I wouldn't find you?"

I don't respond as my whole body shakes in fear, knowing what's about to happen, more tears rolling down my cheeks and dripping from my chin. I feel his hand put something in my pocket before punching me in the gut, causing my legs to buckle. He ends up pulling my hair as I fall since he never let go of my hair. He drops my hair and I crumple to the ground. He kicks me in the stomach and the last thing I see is the rubber sole of his shoe headed straight for my face, then I was surrounded by a black abyss.

Done! Yay! And I still haven't told you who the crazy ex is! Yay! See y'all in the next chapter!

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