Part 4

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I quickly shimmied under the wire fence and made a break for it. I ran all that night, adrenaline was coursing through my veins. I had to keep going, scared that I would be caught if I didn't keep moving. When the sun started to rise, I stopped for a bit and closed me eyes.

When I opened my eyes, the sun was high in the sky. Panic started to take over my body. I didn't know how long I had been asleep. I was still drowsy but I tried to shake it off. I continued to run and when the sun started to set, I stopped to catch my breath.

I was about to start running again when I felt a sharp pain in one of my back legs. I yelped at the pain and fell onto my stomach. The pain started to subside into a dull throbbing. When I looked down, there was nothing there. I guess I pulled a muscle or something.

I decided to stop for the night and rest. When I was about to close my eyes, I saw a figure standing over me. I tried to get up and make a dash but my leg hurt too much. I strained my eyes, but I couldn't see anything other than the out line of the person standing over me. I tried to walk again and this time I put pressure on my leg. I howled out in pain and blacked out because of the lack of food, the pain, dehydration, and the total lack of a sleep schedule. The last thing I saw was the outline of the person coming closer to me.

When I woke up I was in a car, at least I think that's what it was. Being stuck in a facility in the middle of no where for your entire life doesn't help you learn what things are. I tried to stand up but the pain in my leg came back immediately. I yelped do to the pain and laid back down.

"Shh, it's okay. Everything is going to be okay." A deep voice called from the front.

By this point is was completely dark and I had no clue where I was. I guess my only option it to just stay still. The fact that I didn't know who it was in the front made me a bit nervous.

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