Part 21

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Weeks passed and Michael was closer than ever. Michael told Luke about Calum. Luke missed seeing actual people so he wanted to see Calum. He asked if Ashton knew but he didn't. Being completely honest, Michael felt jealous about how Luke reacted when he saw Calum.

He ran up to Calum and hugged him. Michael knows that Luke has always been cuddly and loved to just feel loved and warm. But he wanted to be the only one to make Luke feel loved.

When Luke pulled away and tugged Calum and Michael inside, Calum noticed that he didn't have a hat. He sat down on the love seat and Luke promptly sat down right next to him and curled up to his side. Michael sprawled out on the three seat couch and watched the movie Luke had already started. Michael was able to pick up that it was "The Amazing Spider-Man".

Calum slowly put his arm on the back of the couch and Luke nuzzled closer to him. Suddenly, Calum felt a soft feeling on his hand. He quickly looked down and saw Luke's tail. He hadn't noticed it before and when he looked down on Luke and he saw his wolf  ears.

He couldn't help but reach his hand down and lightly touch it. Luke leaned into the touch and practically purred at the touch. Michael looked back over and he could feel his chest filling with jealousy. He clenched his fists at his sides and tried to focused on the movie.

Calum started to feel around Luke's ears and Luke apparently loved the feeling. He would cuddle closer to Calum every chance he got. For Michael, every minute was crawling by. He wanted to be the one touching Luke.

After what seemed like an eternity to Michael, his friend left. Harry was at a friend's house for the night and Spencer was at a night class so Michael and Luke were alone for the first time in a long time. As soon as Luke closed the door, Michael pinned him against the door and kissed him as hard as he could. They stayed close to each other. Michael swiped his tongue across Luke's bottom lip and Luke opened his mouth, where Michael roamed every inch of Luke's mouth

"I've missed kissing you, my little wolf."  Michael whispered against his boyfriend's lips.

"M-missed it t-too," Luke whimpered into Michael's mouth.

Michael slowly moved them from the door to the three seat couch he had previously been laying on. He gently laid Luke down on his back and supported himself above Luke with his arms, but he made sure that he was still close enough to kiss his boyfriend, his Luke.

"O-Off. P-Please." Luke panted, slightly pulling at Michael's shirt.

"Okay, my little wolf," Michael chuckled, sitting up and pulling his shirt over his head.

They went back to kissing. Luke's hands were roaming Michael's body, trying to find somewhere to put them. Michael knew in the back of his mind that he would have scratched on his back soon, but he didn't care in the least bit. He just wanted Luke. Finally, Luke's hands found Michael's hair and intertwined his fingers into Michael's bright red hair.

"I love you so much, Luke. I'll always love you, no matter what happens." Michael said after breaking the kiss to move one of his hands to gently rub Luke's cheek.

"I-I l-love you t-too. L-Love you t-too."

Just as Michael was about to start kissing Luke again, there was a knock on the door. Michael was about to ignore it until he realized that Calum probably forgot something. He got off of Luke, which earned a whine from the hybrid, and went to the door.

"What did you . . ." the words died in Michael's throat when he saw it wasn't his best friend. It was his mother, in her uniform.

"Michael . . . you weren't supposed to be here," Karen said in a soft tone.

She looked over her son's appearance. His lack of a shirt, the messier than normal hair, the red tint on his cheeks and chest, and his blown pupils.

"You-You knew. How long?! Are you the reason someone was following me?!" Michael was furious at his mother. They hadn't had a proper conversation since the night she found out about Luke.

"For about two months. Yes, I had a tail put on you. I didn't believe you when you said Luke ran away, I guess I was right. We haven't talked in a long time, so I thought it was easiest way to find out."

"We haven't talked because you said that you were going to put the boy I love in danger! I love him, Mum, and you don't give two shits about that! Why can't you just go to the lab and arrest every bastard there!? They did this to Luke and many others! I thought I could trust you but you screwed that up! I don't talk to you because I don't trust you! Everything that has happened between us since you found out about Luke is your fault! Not mine and certainly not his! Yours!"

"Michael, please. . ."

"No, Mum! You don't get to tell me how I should feel! I'm barely at my own house anymore because of you! I spend most nights here or at Calum's! Did you know that the Thursday I told you that Luke ran away, I had to let him go! That after I left him, I went to Calum's house in tears and cried to him! You do not get to tell me how to feel because you are the reason I feel like this now! For a second, I thought we could be close because you knew my biggest secret, but you shattered that! So what do you want?!"

"I came here for Luke. I'm sorry but the department needs him if we have any hope of catching the people who did this to him."

"It's up to Luke. You can't make him do anything he doesn't want to."


With the last bit heard, Luke slowly walked up to Michael and slightly hid behind his broad frame. Luke was scared to say the least but he knew that he wanted to the people who did this to be behind bars. He told Michael that and Michael told his Mum.

They worked out details and Karen left for the night but Michael didn't. Luke didn't want Michael to leave him alone. That's why he refused to go anywhere near that place without Michael by his side. They didn't kiss as they had before but instead the kiss that they did share were loving and caring because each loved the other more than words could ever express.

They fell asleep cuddled together after a long day. Michael still didn't have his shirt on because Luke had said that sleeping against his bare chest made him feel safe.

They woke up to an alarm on Michael's phone. Luke was scared of what the day would hold but he knew he had to help. He could finally meet his mum and dad. Luke went through the routine of hiding his tail and ears. He climbed to Michael's side the entire way to the station. When they got there, Luke had to go through everything he had ever seen at the facility.

He had never seen guns but he thought he might have heard some a long time ago. He knew they had tranquilizers and knifes but that's all he really knew. Amy was at the station because she knew the layout of the building and how to get there. She knew that she could go to jail for life but she felt like she had to do it for Luke.

Eight police vans and one police car left the station, Karen's superiors called in state police. Luke, Amy, Michael, and Karen were in the car and two officers were in each van. They got to the facility by noon and everything else was a blur.

They got all the hybrids, about fifty, out safely and Luke found is parents. All the scientists were arrested and put on trial. Due to everyone's testimony, Amy was the only one who got community service. She had always been nice to everyone and never harmed any of them. Everyone one else was put away for forty years to life.

Hybrids weren't completely accepted at first but after their horrific stories came to light, they were all accepted with open arms. They were given the chance to get an education and the chance of a future. Some went on to be doctors, lawyers, teachers, scientists all over the world.

The little wolf who started it all stayed with his home, even when he moved, he still had his home with him. Luke's home was in Michael's arms.

This is the last chapter before the epilogue. The epilogue will hopefully be up before the end of the week. After the epilogue, there will be one more chapter about a story I hope to start posting soon.

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