Chapter 23 - The Death Of Me

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Jade's P.O.V 

My mind went numb, I collapsed on the fall and let the tears fall and the sobs fill the silent air. Why would Ben cheat on me? I'm due to give birth to his child in just a month and he decides to cheat on me and throw away what we have, I just don't understand. 5 minutes had past and Ben's mum came rushing in, she falls to the ground where I am and wraps her arms around me, trying her best to comfort me, nothing seems to work, I can't seem to function. I look up into her worried eyes, and simply whisper

"What has he done" 

her eyes changed from worried to confused

"What has who done dear?"


was all I could say, I couldn't bring myself to explain what had just happened on the phone, it was to hard. The sobs began to get louder and the tears heavier, I couldn't control myself. I guess the horomones doesn't help me out here but I just let everything out while Ben's mum holds me.

I finally calm down and tell Ben's mum what had happen, she just sat there and listen, emotionless. I was confused by this, and didn't understand until I'd finished explaining to her because she simply looked at me and replied 

"I really don't think Ben would cheat on you"

I tilted my head to the side, as I became even more confused. 

"Ben worships the ground you walk on, I've never seen the boy so happy, especially when his around you, you're everything to him, you and your daughter. I really don't think he'd throw it all away over some silly girl who wants to have sex with him and spend all his money, his been down that road with her and promised himself he'd never go back"

I sat back and let a small smile form itself on my lips, His mum's words had really hit me hard. 

"You should call him Jade, smooth this whole thing over you don't need this rubbish right now, you need to be happy and healthy!" 

She laughed got up from the floor and held her hands out to me 

"Come on let's get you up" 

I grabbed her hand and got up, she leaned down, picked up my phone and handed it to me

"Now you ring him and I'll make a cuppa, cups of tea always makes things better" 

She smiled lightly before leaving the room, I looked down at my phone and scrolled down my contacts a little way and rang Ben, it took one ring before he picked up and his pissed off voice came down the phone, I guess I instantly knew he'd done nothing wrong and that bitch had played some sort of "prank"

"Baby, I'm coming home!"

This took me by surprise

"Woah wait, Ben why are you coming home"

"That fucking bitch is here on the fucking god damn tour bus and I don't wanna be under the same roof as that whore" 

"Ben, You can't come home"


"Because what's better seeing some whore get her way or see thousand and thousands of fans smile and be happy for a night because there seeing there favourite band that might have saved there lives, or made them carry on when times are tough. They need you right now Ben that's what matters you worked your butt off for so long to be where you are, doing what you, don't throw it away."

"Jade... I fucking love you, you know that right? I would never do anything to hurt you"

"I know Ben, I should have known that whore was up to no good, what even is she going on the tour bus anyway?"

"Fucking Cameron, his decided to date the dumb bitch"


"yep, but you're right the fans need me and so does the band, I'm not letting her get in the way" 

"That's the Ben everyone knows" 

"Thanks baby, I love you and Ellie" 

"And we love you too, now go do your thing while I have tea with your mum hehe" 

"Okay babe, I'll text you"

"Ok, Bye"


I ended the call with a smile, he was mine and no one else's. 

Ben's P.O.V

I couldn't beleive how lucky I was to have her, I wouldn't want to have a baby with anyone else, I wouldn't want to marry anyone else... I still hadn't thought much on how to purpose to her, I wanted it to be perfect, I wanted to create a memory we wouldn't forget and would let people for years. 

I started to daydream about purposing and our wedding, until some bitch interrupted...

"So Benny, kissed and made up with the whore at home"

"Fuck off Lucy" 

I got up pushed past her towards my acoustic guitar, I grab it and sit with Tony up front

"Alright mate?"

"Yeah just needed to get away from Lucy, you don't mind if I chill up front and jam"

"Nah, go ahead, It'll keep me entertained" 

 Hours went by, I played tunes on my guiter and watched the world go buy as we drove closer and closer to the venue, only once did someone bother to talk to me, and that was Danny asking if I wanted a drink. I didn't and Danny knew that I wasn't in the mood for anything. We finally reached the venue by 1, the first support act was doing sound check so I decided to chill in the dressing room, I pulled out my phone and texted Jade

'Hey babe, Just got to the venue, I love you so much and can't stop thinking about you!'

I hit send.


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