Chapter 24 - Believe

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Jade's P.O.V

I sat and had a cuppa with Ben's mum but the whole time I kept thinking I should be there with him supporting him, helping him get through a rough time, I know how much he hated Lucy for what she did, it wasn't fair.

"Jade dear, what's the matter?"

"I just feel I should be there with him y'know"

"I understand, well if you'd like to go see him we'd be able to drive you down there!"

I looked up, smiling

"Really? you'd do that for me?"

"Of course we would! Now go pack an over night bag"

I left Ben's mum to go and pack a few things I would need, I was so excited and so was Ellie, she was kicking around in my belly, I grabbed a overnight bag and started packing, just as I was half way through my phone viabrated, it was a text from Ben.

"Hey babe, Just got to the venue, I love you so much and can't stop thinking about you!"

I smile, and reply

"Hey baby, Glad you got there safe, I love you loads too and Me and Ellie can't stop thinking about you!"

I hit send and finish off my packing just in time for when Ben's mum comes up to say her and Ben's dad is ready to get going, I won't tell Ben I'm coming to see him tonight, I want it to be a suprise for me, his going through a little bit of a rough time with Lucy showing up, he needs me and I need him.


We finally make it to where Ben is playing his show, but it's to early for me to go in, I want to suprise him when he comes back from the gig into the dressing room, so me and Ben's Parents decided to book a hotel room, do some last minute shopping and head out for a meal.

Ben's P.O.V

I'm in the dressing room and I start to hear the fans enter the room and find there place within the hall, I'm tuning my guitar when Lucy decided to disturb me.

"So Ben, the boys are going out for drinks after the gig and I heard that you're not going... how about me and you watch a film or something"

She places her hand on my thigh, and I automatically push it off.

"Lucy, just fuck off, I don't want to spend any more time with you than I already have too, The only people I wanna hang out with is my fans, family, Friends, My girlfriend and child, the last time I checked you don't fall into any of those catagories"

"Wow that's a little harsh Ben, I was only trying to be nice and make it up to you for what I did earlier but clearly you're not going to forgive and forget"

"No of course I'm not, you play these silly little games to get people to argue or get things how you want them, well it's not happening, I can't wait for the moment Cam get's bored of you and get's rid of you"

"I don't think he will get bored of me Ben, I'm just so great he even said he might put a ring on my finger one day"

I scowl

"ahaha, I highly fucking doubt that you're nothing more than some girl he is fucking, Cam has only had one serious relationship, we all know what his like with somone he loves, and sorry to brake it to you, you silly little whore but his not in love with you, you won't be getting any fucking ring on your finger, now please kindly fuck off because I don't want to hear your whiny little bitchy mouth anymore"

"Whatever Ben"

Lucy get's up and stroms outta the room, and not long after Cam walks through not looking to happy...

"Ben, What the fuck have you said to Lucy now? she's saying you're the one who's made her cry"

"For fuck sake Cam, she comes over trying to course trouble and I tell her to kindly go away and she doesn't, so she decides to run her mouth off and I just keep telling her the truth if she can't handle it, it's not my problem, she's your fucking problem Cam."

Cam rolls his eyes

"Whatever dude, Just try and stay away from her I can't deal with her whiny crying"

"I will if she stays away from me too"


Cam walks back out of the room, it pisses me off how much that bitch get's invovled with shit around here why can't she just leave me the fuck alone. not long after all the arguing had stopped we were called on to stage, we all lined up me being second, then I hear the count down 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and I make my way to the stage, my 2nd home

Jade's P.O.V

We finally made it to the venue, tony had got us in and we was waiting in the dressing room. Me and bens mum chatted about Ben when he was younger. The hours passed quickly and before i knew it Ben and the boys walked through the dressing room door. As soon Ben saw me sitting there his knees hit the ground and tears formed in his eyes. I pushed myself up from the couch and walked over to him, his arms wrapped around me and his head lightly rested on our bump. The whole room was silent and I had totally forgotten about everyone else that was there. In this moment, it was me, him and our daughter that's all the matter in this moment. It was perfect until some stupid bitch ruined it.

She walked through the door and made a disgust noise with her mouth, I look up towards her and my rage gets the best of me. I start to shout and scream at her, calling her every name I could think of. Just as I'm getting really into her there's a sharp pain in my belly, that makes me drop to my knees and everything round me goes black. My baby. Our baby. There's something wrong.

A Prophecy (Asking Alexandria Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz