Chapter 4 - Candlelit Dinner with Inamorta

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Okay guys, so this is where they go on a date ;) Thank you so much for reading, voting and commenting, It honestly means the world to me. so please carry on doing what you do, tell me what you think of this chapter and even give me ideas. if i like them then, I'll dedicate the next chapter too you :) 

P.S I dedicate this Chapter to @WhenTheDarknessCalls A HUGE thank you to her!  

2 weeks had passed quickly, and today was the day Ben was taking me out on that date.

The only trouble was I don’t think he really cared anymore, ever since that incident with him ringing me up whist drunk his only bothered to send one text reading:

I’ll pick you up at 7.

I think his pissed at me for putting the phone down and turning it off. Sam said I was over thinking and should start get ready for our date. So taking her advice I started getting ready for tonight. Wearing a little black dress that hugged me in all the right places. Some killer heels and I even made the effort to iron my hair and style it a little, putting a tiny bit of eyeliner, mascara and a dash of red lipstick on and I was ready to go.

I headed into the living room to ooo’s and ahhh’s from Sam.

“You look fucking stunning Jade, Ben is a lucky boy” Just as she says this, the door bell goes, pushing past me, she opens the door to James who picks her up. Kissing him she wraps her legs around his waist, whilst he carried her off to the bedroom.

I look outside to see Ben walking slowing towards the house, a glum expression on his face. You wouldn’t think he was going on a date by just looking at the way he was dressed, wearing a t-shirt, ripped skinny jeans and boots. I walk out towards him, reaching him I lift up his chin, look into his saddened eyes.

“What’s up Ben?” a few seconds pass, he finally looks back at me and responds.

“Oh nothing, come on” he grabs my hand roughly and leads me into the taxi.

The taxi pulls up to a rock bar, we get out and head on over. As soon as we walk in a swarm of people are there to greet, offer him a beer, even the girls are coming up to him, kissing him on the cheek, getting a bit touchy feely not noticing I’m here with him; we finally reach the bar and sit down on the stools. As we sit The barman calls over to us “The usual Ben?” he just nods back as the barman hands over a Budweiser for him and a coke and vodka for me, I frowned at the sight of it, I didn’t mind drinking this It’s just I preferred to be drinking a Budweiser too. Silence creeps over the both of us and all I can seem to hear is him gulping his drink down, and me taking sips of mine. I open my mouth to start conversation but a young girl comes over. She’s got an amazing body and stunning face to go along with it. If I was going to be compared to her, I would be called: Slug. She strokes his cheek and purrs into his ear “Oh come on Benny boy, cheer up.” She runs her hand up his thigh, her eyes meeting mine. “Ah sorry, didn’t realize you were already with someone for the night” Ben gives me a sideward glance and mummers something to her, which makes her leave. He gestures to the barman for another drink; turning to me he finally decides to speak

“Finish up your drink, love”

“I will it’s just, I prefer what you’re having” the corners of his mouth lift into a cheeky grin

“I like a girl who can handle her drink” he turns to the barman, shouting “Make that two Joe” He nods and brings them over. Ben drinks his in one go; getting another he does the same.  The rest of the night was the no different with people coming up to him, talking, buying him drinks, then him drinking them in one go which lead to him being a little drunk.

“Ben, I’m just going to the ladies room, I’ll be back in a minute” his blood shot eyes turn to me as he slurs

“Okay, yeah”

I quickly go to the bathroom and return to the bar. But I can’t find him; I look franticly around the room searching for his shaggy light brown hair, walking up to the bar I call Joe over “Hey, have you seen Ben?”

“Oh yeah, sweetheart, I urm don’t really know how to break it to you” My heart drops into the bottom of my stomach as I expect for the worst “He left with some other girl”

As soon as I hear these words, a lump starts to form in my throat. I want to cry but not here, I don’t like people seeing me cry, it makes me feel weak.  I rush out of the bar and call for a cab.

Getting home I slam the door shut and sink down onto the carpet, letting my emotions run over me. I begin to cry knowing my make up would be running down my face. I was a mess.

This wasn’t supposed to happen.

I hear James and Sam come down the stairs; I don’t even bother to look up. I feel someone’s arms wrap around me and lift me up, taking me to the living room. I know it isn’t Sam; she wouldn’t be able to carry me. I was thankful for James moving me because I would have stayed there until morning, sobbing.

“Go and get a blanket for me” Sam’s voice is a whisper, as James goes.

She wraps her arms around me, gestures me to lie down, and strokes my hair, soothing me. My crying slows down, and the noise of my sobbing stops. I start to feel drowsy, as James puts a blanket over me, closing my eyes I let the darkness take over.

A Prophecy (Asking Alexandria Fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя