Chapter 14 - I Used To Have A Best Friend (But Then He Gave Me An STD)

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Yes, this chapter is very short but, it gets straight to the point I promise you there will be a longer chapter coming up within the week. I've not be working on this for a while as I'm working on my secret project so bare with me. Thank you ;D

Bens P.O.V: 

I open my eyes to the sight of Jade sleeping peacefully, her breathing was slow and steady. I stretch out, and relax letting myself wake a bit more, but someone lightly knocks on the door causing Jade to stur but not wake. I get up to answer the door to a very red eye, crying Danny

"Dude whats up? Come in" 

"Ben I'm the worst friend in the world" 

"Your not come on, talk to me" 

The next few sentences that fell from Dannys mouth were unforgettable, Without thinking I started to beat Danny up, kicking him and punching him. how the fuck could he get Jade beat up like that. me beating up Danny had caused Jade to wake up, I could feel her pulling me away from him, but I was to strong for her, and my mind was set on getting my own back. blood started to rush down his face, looking at him I spit my words

"You come near me or her and I'll kill you. you fucking asshole." 

I grabbed Jade's hand and I took her down stairs, stopping to get the car keys

"Go sit in the Car, wait for me"

She walks of to the car confused, I go back up to our room and still see Danny lying there covered in blood, crying. I ignore him as I grab our stuff, shoving it in a bag. I give him one good last good kick in the balls before leaving. I throw the bag into the back seat. Start up the car and start to drive to the airport. 


Jade said this quietly and with concern 


I mange to shot her a small smile, to show that I'm not a monster

"What happened back there?"

"Danny, told me everything, how he got you beat up because he thought I would leave you and he could then date you" 

The car fell silent as I drove through the rain. it wasn't till about 10 minutes later did she reply

"Oh, well... I don't know how to handle that. what are we gonna do about the situation?"

"Well, we are going away for a week or so..."

"We are? Where?" 

"well gotta get to the airport first"

"Ben, I don't have my passport, it's back at Dannys in my handbag"

I knew Jade had her passport in her bag as she used it for ID, I seen her use it once when we went clubbing and she had brought a drink. 

"Well luckily I grabbed your bag and my passport before leaving there" 

She looked behind her a got her bag, look through to double check

"Oh well good thinking darling, but what about stuff we will need, like change of clothes ect..." 

"I have money, lots of it. I'll buy new shit, Jade stop worrying about it" 

"Okay, then lets go" 

As we was stuck in traffic, I kissed her cheek and whispered

"Everything is gonna be okay, your gonna safe.

She smiled and turned to kiss me.

 Jades P.O.V:

The rest of the car journey was silent, but a comfortable silent. I hadn't jump to conclusions when it came to what had happened I guess because so much shit had already happened that I couldn't be bothered to get  invloved in it all. Did I think Ben should have beaten Danny up? No. I knew how it felt but I didn't blame him because he was angry, he was trying to protect me.

We finally reached the airport, Ben was talking to some man about our car, while I waited with my bag, and our rucksack. Once he'd finished he grabbed my hand and lead me inside. look at different flights he looked at me

"Where'd ya wanna go?"

I looked up trying to decide but I couldn't, there were so many places.

"I don't know"

"Okay, I'll pick randomly"

He closed his eyes, waved his arm about and then stopped his point finger at one

1.00 hour till flight too Florida

"How about we be children and go to Disneyland in Florida?"

I let out a little squeal, I'd always wanted to go there

"Are you serious right now?"


He giggled, and led me over to the ticket counter, and some how worked his magic and brought to first class tickets for that flight, and a return after a week. how one fight had led me and Ben to go to Disneyland was beyond me but I was excited. once he'd got the tickets the woman who had surviced Ben had led us through VIP. I guess it was one of the perks of being in a band?

an hour later we were on the plane leaving for Florida.

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