Chapter 16 - Stand up and Scream (Part 2)

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Ben's P.O.V:

Jade lay beside me with the white sheets falling perfectly around her small petite body, I could see the side off her right breast being exposed, and the curvature of her body. she was perfect. her eye lids began to flutter, she must be dreaming. last night was amazing we had made love in way I had never experienced, it wasn't just plain old sex it was love making, that was something special that was shared with a loved one, after that she lay in my arms as we watched Disney movies until her eyes gave way and she fell asleep. not long after I had dozed off but the blinding sun light had woken me again not long after.

I decided to order breakfast from room serivce to wake Jade up with, no doubt she will be hungry as she had skipped dinner last night, there was a light knock at the door, I got up to answer it, then quickly running back to the end of the bed to grab some shorts. I answered the door letting them in to the room, they dropped the food off and left.

Jade's eyes fluttered open as they searched the bed, but disappointment fulfilled them. I let out a little cough to let her know I was still here, her eyes shot up to look at me a smile planting it self on her face

"Morning beautiful"

she giggled and hide under the sheets, I crossed my arms and looked down playfully

"and why are hiding dear?"

"Because I don't look beautiful in the mornings"

Her voice was a little muffled under the quilt but I could tell she was still giggling

"Well I think you are"

She poked her head out of the sheets just reveling her eyes

"You must be blind in the morning then"

"No I'm really not"

she moved the sheets a Little further down to smell the air

"Yum, I can smell food"

"Well I ordered us breakfast"

She looked to the trolley cart next to me, next thing I know she is crawling to the end of the bed, lying down on her stomach as she looks hungrily at the food, her bare soft skin showing, she had no care in the world at this point in time.

Jade P.O.V:

I lay here eating strawberries, completely naked, not having a care. there was two little thoughts on my mind: eating and Ben. I had purposely laid naked eating in hope of Ben becoming happy. last night was so perfect, all of our worries was gone.

Ben sat on the edge of the bed beside me, looking down he spoke softly

"What is it you want to do today?"

"hmm.." I let my train of thought take over before replying "Let's just walk around see what there is take things in as they go"

"sounds like a plan"

He learnt down and pecked me on the lips. Finishing off my bowl of strawberries, I give up on making Ben happy and get up to get a shower, just as I reached the bathroom door I hear Ben call

"Don't lock the door babe, I'll be in there in a sec"

Well I guess making Ben happy worked...

Ben's P.O.V:

I was in the mood to make love to Jade, seeing her perfectly naked body had made me want, need and love her, but before I did I need to make sure the engagement ring was no where for eyes to see, it wasn't like I didn't to marry her, the time wasn't right, it's to soon in the relationship to be purposing, we'd only been dating for two months, I went through our bag and found it lying in the bag at the bottom, getting out the red velvet box I open it to revel its content, the ring was so beautifully simple, a gold band with a small petite diamond, shining in the light. This on Jades finger would be perfect her smile as I purpose to her, the surroundings. and then most importantly the wedding, oh how stunning would she look....

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