Pietro X Reader - Evil Ducks

102 7 2

Word Count: 499 words

You and Pietro set out your blanket then sat down on it and started to unpack your picnic. It was a beautiful sunny day and you had been woken this morning by Pietro knocking on your day with a picnic. Many people think Pietro is cocky and over flirtatious and, although that's true, many don't get to see this adorably sweet side of Pietro that he saves just for you.

Pietro had packed all of your favourite foods and drink and you couldn't be happier. You laughed at his jokes and his cheesy pickup lines even though you already date him. You loved days like this when you could just spend time with your boyfriend and relax.

After you had eaten everything you both laid back and sunbathed for a bit. Pietro had his arms wrapped around you tightly and you were cuddled into his side. You couldn't have been happier.

"Thank you Piet." You said.

"Anything for my girl." You smiled at his reply. "Anyway the day is not done yet! I thought we could take a walk and feed the ducks before we go since it's such a lovely day."

"Sounds great, let's get going." You replied and you both got up and packed up your belongings.

You and Pietro walked hand in hand around the park and talked about everything and anything. Conversation with Pietro just ran so smoothly and you always found something to talk about, whether it was the latest movie you had watched or how you would survive a zombie apocalypse. (We've all had that conversation at some point!)

You and Pietro approached the lake and got out your bread to feed the ducks. It was fine at first because there were only a few ducks around you but then more and more were coming your way.

"Umm, Pietro. I've ran out of bread and the ducks just keep on coming." You said.

"I've ran out too. What shall we do?" you both started to back away slowly but the ducks just kept on following you. Then the worst thing happened.

The geese came.

You grabbed Pietro's hand as they were coming closer and closer towards you both. The geese let out what sounded like a battle cry then started charging towards you both. You looked at Pietro but in a blink of an eye he had picked you up in his arms and was speeding you away from the lake and the evil ducks.

Once you were a safe distance away Pietro put you down on a bench and you both collapsed laughing.

"Everything that we've fought and we get scared by a few ducks!" you say, still laughing hysterically.

"I'd take psychotic robots over them ducks any day." Pietro replied and sat down next to you. He put his arm around you and pulled you into his side.

"Just one thing Y/N."


"The others must never hear about this." You nodded in agreement. Every day you spent with Pietro was a new experience.

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